Training & Development (Part – 2)

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National Institute of Business Management
Chennai - 020

Training & Development (Part – 2)

Attend any 4 questions.  Each question carries 25 marks
(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

Q. 1.       Explain the aspects of learning and training, paying particular attention to continuing professional development, the learning Organization, and Investors in People.

Answer: Training and development -- or "learning and development" as many refer to it now -- is one of the most important aspects of our lives and our work. (Many people view "training" as an activity that produces the result or outcome of "learning" -- and learning is typically viewed as new knowledge, skills and competencies or abilities.) In our culture, we highly value learning. Yet, despite our having attended many years of schooling, many of us have no idea how to carefully design an approach to training and development. This topic in the Library provides an extensive range of information about training and development, including to depict how the many aspects of training and development relate to each other. Also, this topic explains how training and development can be used, informally or formally, to meet the nature and

Q. 2.       Emphasize the role that training and development is expected to play in organizations which regard their employees as an important resource.

Answer: There are many approaches to learning and development and many types of activities that can be undertaken to learn. We're most used to thinking of the formal, other-directed activities, such as attending courses or lectures. However, most of the types of learning are informal and unstructured. An awareness of these other types will broaden your possibilities for intentional learning and for designing training for yourself and others.

The field (or many would argue, the profession) of training and development has undergone dramatic improvements, especially with the inclusion of computer- and Web-based technologies. We're also expanding the concept of learning beyond the learning of individuals -- we're thinking that groups and organizations can learn, too. (Although the topics of the learning organization and knowledge management are fairly recent and still popular, many people would disagree that they're actually learning and development programs -- those people might assert that they're actually forms of organizational performance management. However, the two topics still seem to be so broad and changing, that they're referred to here as movements.)

Q. 3.       Explain ways in which learning takes place, both at an individual and an organizational level, and how the training and development process is managed.


Q. 4.       Explain and specify how skills, attitudes and knowledge acquired through development exercises may lead to improved performance at work.


Q. 5.       Explain the contribution of employee development to broader organizational goals.

Answer:Career development is the ongoing acquisition or refinement of skills and knowledge, including job mastery and professional development, coupled with career planning activities. Job mastery skills are those that are necessary to successfully perform one's job. Professional development skills are the skills and knowledge that go

Q. 6.       Explain specific training, learning and development practices which are used by employers.

Answer:Recent years have seen many organisations adopt a more strategic, future-oriented and integrated approach to training and development and there are a number of important trends now evident in this field. The need to deliver real business focused results is essential, and both individuals and organisations have higher expectations of the learning process and its outcomes.  Learning and development takes many forms. When used strategically, and aligned with effective performance management and business planning, learning and development can enhance productivity and performance and increase staff

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