BT0074, OOPS with JAVA

BT0074, OOPS with JAVA

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Q. 1. What are the keywords that java supports? Describe the datatypes available in java programming language?

Answer:In the Java programming language, a keyword is one of 50 reserved words that have a predefined meaning in the language; because of this, programmers cannot use keywords as names for variables, methods, classes, or as any other identifier. Due to their special functions in the language, most integrated development environments for Java use syntax highlighting to display keywords in a different color for easy identification.The Java programming language is a statically typed language, which means that every variable and every expression has a type that is known at compile time.The Java programming language is also a strongly typed

Q. 2. Describe StringBuffer class in java. List all the functionsrelevant to it and explain any five of them.

Answer:StringBuffer class is a mutable class unlike the String class which is immutable. Both the capacity and character string of a StringBuffer Class. StringBuffer can be changed dynamically. String buffers are preferred when heavy modification of character strings is involved (appending, inserting, deleting, modifying etc).
Strings can be obtained from string buffers. Since the StringBuffer class does not override the equals() method from the Object class, contents of string buffers should be converted to String objects for string comparison.
A StringIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if an
Q. 3. Describe with the help of an example the implementation ofinheritance in java.

Answer: Inheritance in Java is an Object oriented or  OOPS concepts, which allows to emulate real world Inheritance behavior, Inheritance allows code reuse in Object oriented programming language e.g. Java. Along with Abstraction, Polymorphism and Encapsulation, Inheritance forms basis of Object oriented programming. Inheritance is implemented using extends keyword in Java and When one Class extends another Class it inherit all non private members including fields and methods. Inheritance in Java can be best understand in terms of Parent and Child

Q. 4. Describe the catch and finally block statement in java withexamples.

Answer: Java's finally block is useful in exception handling and always used in conjunction with try block. There should at least be one try block that finally block can be associated to. The try encloses a block of code in which exception may occur. When a piece of code throws an exception, it stops processing the remaining code in try block and transfers the control to an appropriate catch block if a catch block exists (catch block is optional), else control gets

Q. 5. Draw and Explain the Life cycle of a java applet with anexample.

Answer:Various states, an applet, undergoes between its object creation and object removal (when the job is over) is known as life cycle. Each state is represented by a method. There exists 5 states represented by 5 methods. That is, in its life of execution, the applet exists (lives) in one of these 5 states.
These methods are known as "callback

Q. 6. Explain all the steps of running the beanbox.
Answer: JavaBeans are reusable software components written in Java. These components may be built into an application using an appropriate building environment. The Bean Development Kit (BDK) from Sun includes a simple example of a building environment which uses beans, called the beanbox, and some sample beans.  This note will tell you how to set up and use the BDK on the Computer Science & Informatics Ubuntu Linux workstations and how to add your own beans to the BeanBox environment.
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