MCA - Third Semester - JNU Solved Assignments



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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Master of Computer Application (MCA)


Paper Code:       MCA - 301

Paper Title:        .Net Framework (Using C#)



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)




(I)   write at least three names of ActiveX controls and their uses.

(ii)  What is the difference between Web Application and application?

(iii) Give the steps to running a web application?

(iv) How many types of List Box control and Combo Box control we have?

       Write their names.

(v)  Which validator is used to validate the email address?




Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)

Q1. What are File controls for? How many types of File controls we have?

       Define all of them.


Q2. What do you mean by event? How many events are associated with the Text box and

       Button Control? Explain each of them.


Q3. Design a user registration page using ASP.Net Controls. Also use various checks and

      Validations on this form.







Dear students get fully solved assignments

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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 2


Master of Computer Application (MCA)


Paper Code:       MCA - 301

Paper Title:        .Net Framework (Using C#)



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)




(i)   Write a code to display pop-up calendar.

(ii)  How many DtaBound control are there in ASP.Net. Write a code for any control.

(iii) What is a Web Service?

(iv) What do you mean by XML?

(v)  What are constructor and Destructor?




Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits  500)

Q1. Write Regular expressions for the following.

(a)    Email address

(b)   Pin code

(c)    Mobile number starts with 9

(d)   Roll No. starts with 0


Q2. Explain the architecture of


Q3 Design a web page that displays the details of the products.(From Northwind database).

Also, user can edit, insert, delete and short the products. Data grid should displays 5 products at a time.






Dear students get fully solved assignments

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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Masters of Computer Application (MCA)


Paper Code:        MCA-302

Paper Title:         RDBMS (ORACLE)



Last Date of submission:                                                                              Max. Marks:  15


Section-A                                                                                                          (Word limits 50-100)


i.          What do you mean by kernel?

ii.          Explain the client/server architecture.

iii.         How could we filter data present in table?

iv.         Explain Removing Integrity Constraints.

v.         Describe the concept of Indexing.




Section-B                                                                                                           (Word limits 500)


Q.2 Explain Cod’s law for RDBMS.


Q.3 What do you mean by joins and explain types of joins.


Q.4 Differentiate SQL and PL/SQL.

















Dear students get fully solved assignments

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Call us at : 08263069601


School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Masters of Computer Application (MCA)


Paper Code:        MCA-302

Paper Title:         RDBMS (ORACLE)



Last Date of submission:                                                                              Max. Marks:  15



Section-A                                                                                                                 (Word limits 50-100)



1          Write difference between B-Tree and B+–Tree.

2          What are the main features of cursor?

3.         What is the syntax of Exception Handling in PL/SQL?

4          How could we take Back up in DBA?

5          What do you mean by ‘SYSDATE’?


Section-B                                                                                                              (Word limits 500)


Q.6      Explain Raise Application-error Procedure.


Q.7      Write query in SQL for updating data in table.


Q.8      Explain different looping statement in PL/SQL.


















Dear students get fully solved assignments

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Call us at : 08263069601


School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Master of Computer Application (MCA)


Paper Code:       MCA-303

Paper Title:         DATA MINING



Last Date of submission:                                                                              Max. Marks:  15


Section-A                                                                                                    (Word limits 50-100)


(i)   Explain Decision Making process.

(ii)  What role does the Data warehouse play in Strategic Decision Making?  

(iii)  Briefly explain the components of a Data Warehouse.

(iv)  Explain data mining techniques.

(v)  What are pre-quisites for data mining?  


Section-B                                                                                                   (Word limits 500)


Q1  What is DSS (Decision Support system)? Explain different types of DSS.


Q2  Elaborate Fact and Fact Tables in detail.


Q3 Write short notes on the following:-


(a)  Operational Infrastructure and Physical Infrastructure

(b)  ETL (Extract Transform Load)

(c)  Spatial Data Mining

(d)  Web Mining

(e)   Schemas in Data Warehouses









Dear students get fully solved assignments

Send your semester & Specialization name to our mail id :


Call us at : 08263069601


School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 2


Master of Computer Application (MCA)


Paper Code:        MCA-303

Paper Title:         DATA MINING



Last Date of submission:                                                                              Max. Marks:  15



Section-A                                                                                                  (Word limits 50-100)


i.          Explain the concept of data mining.

ii.          How is data preprocessed?

iii.         What do you mean by association rules?

iv.         What is data warehousing?

v.         Explain metadata and its importance.



Section-B\                                                                                               (Word limits 500)


Q.6      Write short notes on :

a. Reporting and Query tools.

b. Neural networks.


Q.7      Describe the following terms with reference to web mining.

a. Calculation of page rank.

b. Information extraction.

c. Semantic web.

d. Collaborative filtering.

e. Web usage media.


Q.8      Explain the following :

a. Data visualization.

b. Multimedia data mining.



Dear students get fully solved assignments

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Call us at : 08263069601


School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Masters of Computer Application (MCA)


Paper Code:        MCA-304

Paper Title:         ERP SYSTEM



Last Date of submission:                                                                              Max. Marks:  15



Section-A                                                                                                             (Word limits 50-100)


i.          What is an Enterprise?

ii.          What is meant by BPR?

iii.         What is Archive?

iv.         What is meant by “Work plan”?

v.         What is Data mart?



Section-B                                                                                                             (Word limits 50-100)


Q.2      a. Explain advantages of ERP.

b. Explain ‘discovery model’.


Q.3      a. What are the seasons for the growth of the ERP market?

b. What are three major reasons to undertake ERP?


Q.4      a. What is a supply chain? How SCM is different from logistic Management?

b. What is business integration and how does the ERP system achieve it?


















Dear students get fully solved assignments

Send your semester & Specialization name to our mail id :


Call us at : 08263069601


School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 2


Masters of Computer Application (MCA)


Paper Code:        MCA-304

Paper Title:         ERP SYSTEM



Last Date of submission:                                                                              Max. Marks:  15




Section-A                                                                                                             (Word limits 50-100)


1          Mention any two benefits of ERP.

2          .What is “SAPAG”?

3          What is ‘Oracle’?

4          What are automatic alerts and actions?

5          What is VPN?



Section-B                                                                                                              (Word limits 500)


Q.6      Explain the details of the contract with the package consultants.


Q.7      Explain the economic aspects of ERP implementation. What are the hidden costs?


Q.8      How ERP and E–commerce are related? Explain with examples.










            Dear students get fully solved assignments

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Call us at : 08263069601


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