BCA Third Semester - JNU solved assignments



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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA - 301

Paper Title:        Object Oriented Programming using C++



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)




(i)   What is procedure-oriented programming? What are its main characteristics?

(ii)  Differentiate between the fundamental and derive data types.

(iii) Write the structure of a C++ program.

(iv) Write the syntax of all looping statements.

(v)  What are the decision making and branching?




Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)

Q1. Describe in details about the basic concepts of Object-oriented Programming.


Q2. What is Compiler? Discuss the various C++ compilers.


Q3. (a) Differentiate between explicit and implicit conversion.

       (b) Write a C++ program to convert a data type implicitly.







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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 2


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA - 301

Paper Title:        Object Oriented Programming using C++



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)




(i)  What is the array and initializing arrays?

(ii)  What are class and function?

(iii) What is Pointer? Explain with examples.

(iv) What are constructor and copy constructor?

(v)  What are the function overloading and operator overloading?




Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)

Q1. (a) Write a program uses a nested for loop to find the prime numbers from 2 to 100.

       (b) Define the do-while loop statements.


Q2. Describe the following:

(a)    One-dimensional arrays and multidimensional arrays.

(b)   Predefine function and user defines functions.

(c)    Call by value and call by reference

(d)   Command line argument


Q3. What are the difference forms of inheritance? Explains with an example program.




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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA - 302

Paper Title:        Visual Application Development Using VB.Net



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)




(i)  What are CLR and JIT?

(ii)  What are Procedures and Properties?

(iii) Write the use of common dialog controls.

(iv) What are Dataset and Data Adapter?

(v)  What is an Exception class?




Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)

Q1. Describe the following:

(a)    Combo Box.

(b)   Text Box.

(c)    Common Dialog Controls.

(d)   Windows Forms.


Q2. Draw and explain the ADO.NET data architecture.


Q3. (a) Write a program use Throw Statement.

       (b) Write short notes on:

            (i) Case Study.

            (ii) Accurate and Accessible Reference Data.





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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 2


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA - 302

Paper Title:        Visual Application Development Using VB.Net



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)




(i)  What is a Stream?

(ii)  What is a MDI?

(iii) What do you understand by The Missing LINQ?

(iv) What do you mean by SQL server 2005 express management tools?

(v)  What is the Web service?




Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)

Q1. Explain Stream Writer Object and File Stream Object?


Q2. Explain Type of LINQ Query Operations.


Q3. Define the Web services stack. And also explain the all components of Web service stack.




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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:        BCA 303

Paper Title:         LINUX ENVIRONMENT



Last Date of submission:                                                                              Max. Marks:  15



Section-A                                                                                                            (Word limits 50-100)


i.           Explain the Linux file system. What are basic features of Linux operating system.

ii.          Explain process management in Linux.

iii.         Explain the different types of shells used in Linux.

iv.         What are absolute and relative path? Which command is used to navigate in the file system.

v.         What are filters? Explain sort with all the options available.


Section-B                                                                                                            (Word limits 500)


Q.2      What are the common features of Linux Operating System and minimum hardware requirement to install Linux on any system?

Q.3      a. What are environment variables? Explain any three environment variables.

b. Explain the following with syntax :

i. tty ii. uname–r iii. Cal iv. echo v. rmdir

Q.4      a. Explain the basic file permissions and how to change these permissions.

b. What are the prompt characters used in Linux? Write steps to change the value of    prompt if required.






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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 2


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:        BCA 303

Paper Title:         LINUX ENVIRONMENT



Last Date of submission:                                                                              Max. Marks:  15



Section-A                                                                                                             (Word limits 50-100)



1.         Explain the following :

a. Head and Tail. b. Grep and egrep

2..        What are shell variables? Explain the rules for assigning values to variables.

3.         What is exit status? How to check the exit status.

4          Write a shell script to calculate sum, multiplication of three variables using expr. keyword.

5.         Write the steps to add a new user with the password as “123456”.



Section-B                                                                                                             (Word limits 500)


Q.2      a. Write a shell script which cheeks a input string is a palindrome or not.

b. What are the different methods used to execute a shell script.


Q.6      a. What are escape sequences? Explain with example.

b. What is process management? Explain.

Q.7      Write short notes on :

a. Positional Parameters b. BASH

c. Telnet












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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:        BCA 304




Last Date of submission:                                                                              Max. Marks:  15



Section-A                                                                                                      (Word limits 50-100)


i.          Explain needs and types of information system.

ii.          Discuss business strategy and other strategy in an organization.

iii.         Illustrate some major types of Management Information Systems.

iv.         Discuss the limitation of MIS.

v.         Explain the characteristics of GDSS.



Section-B                                                                                                       (Word limits 500)


Q.1       Why need of information and planning for an organization? Explain various steps in process of strategic planning.

Q.2      Explain various steps uses in evaluation and maintenance of MIS.

Q.3      Discuss information technology, infrastructure and quality of information.






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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 2


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:        BCA 304




Last Date of submission:                                                                              Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)


Section-A                                                                                                                 (Word limits 50-100)


1.         How Management Information System implement for decision making?

2          Explain the growth of international information system in today’s scenario.

3          Define Hardware and Software using some examples.

4          What do you understand by Non Programmed Decisions?

5.         Define Information and Technology and also give some important characteristics of Information Technology.



Section-B                                                                                                              (Word limits 500)


Q.2      Illustrate system and also discuss types of systems you studied.


Q.3      Write a short note on :

a. EIS b. KBS


Q.4      Explain modeling and computing in detail.


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