Dear students get fully solved  SMU MBA Spring 2014 assignments
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These are just questions for reference . To check samples see our latest uploads in blog archive or search assignments .
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PROGRAM- MBA (Sem 3), MBADS (Sem 3 / Sem 5), PGDHSMN (Sem 1)

SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MH0052 – Hospital Organization, Operations and Planning

BOOK ID- B1213

CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q.1: Discuss in brief the members of hospital planning team and their role in designing the hospital.

Q.2: Define medical record. Describe the policies and procedures adopted in the medical records department.

Q.3: Discuss the essential principles for managing hospital materials.
Listing the 7 essential principles
Explanation of 7 essential principles


Listing the 7 essential principles:
The seven underlying principles are Quantity, Price, Source, Delivery Methods, People and the most important one is Quality.
1. Quantity

Q.3: Discuss in brief the planning, design and staffing of a billing department in a hospital.
Brief outline of billing department

Q.4: Discuss the managerial skills required to be possessed by a health service manager.

Q.6: Imagine that you are appointed as a consultant for setting up an outpatient department in a tertiary care teaching hospital. What are the planning considerations you have to keep in your mind before executing the task?


PROGRAM- MBA (Sem 3), MBADS (Sem 3 / Sem 5), PGDHSMN (Sem 1)

SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MH0051 – Health Administration

BOOK ID- B1212

CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q.1: Discuss the uses of epidemiology with examples.
Listing the uses of epidemiology
Explanation of any 4 uses with appropriate examples

Q.2: Explain the spectrum and determinants of health.
Explanation of spectrum of health
Explanation of determinants of health

Q.3: List the occupational diseases most prevalent in work place. Discuss their prevention methods.
Listing the occupational diseases most prevalent in work place
Explanation of prevention methods of any 4 occupational diseases

Q.4:Discuss the various levels in the Indian healthcare delivery system.
Mentioning all the levels in the Indian healthcare delivery system
Explanation of various levels of health care delivery systems

Q.5:Discuss the government programs for nurturing newborns.
Listing the government programs for nurturing newborns
Explanation of programs for nurturing newborns

Q.6: Explain the management methods and techniques of health planning.
Mentioning the management methods and techniques
Explanation of management methods and techniques


PROGRAM- MBA (Sem 3), MBADS (Sem 3 / Sem 5), PGDHSMN (Sem 1)

SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MH0053 – Hospital & Healthcare Information Management

BOOK ID- B1214

CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q.1: Discuss the steps in developing Health Management Information system as per World Health Organization.
Brief description of all the steps in developing Health Management Information System

Q.2: Define Hospital Information System. Explain the categories of Information system in hospital.
Explanation of the categories of Information system in hospital.

Q.3: Define E-health. Discuss the advantages and challenges in E-health.
Advantages of E-health
Challenges in E-health

Q.4: Describe the process of audit. Add a note on types of audit.
Describing the steps in the audit process
Types of audit

Q.5: Discuss the components of quality assurance in health care.
Mentioning the various components of quality assurance in healthcare
Explanation of the components of quality assurance in healthcare

Q.6: Discuss the threats to healthcare information.
Mentioning the various categories of threat
Explanation of various categories of threat


PROGRAM- MBA (Sem 3), MBADS (Sem 3 / Sem 5), PGDHSMN (Sem 1)

SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MH0054 – Finance, Economics and Planning in Healthcare Services

BOOK ID- B1215

CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q.1: Explain the various financial functions within the healthcare organisations.
Mentioning the categories of financial functions in healthcare organizations
Explanation of various functions

Q.2: Explain the claims process in healthcare organisations.
Explaining the claim process for cashless hospitalization and claim reimbursement

Q.3: Discuss the types of taxes. Add a note on service tax on healthcare organisations.
Types of taxes
Service tax on healthcare organizations

Q.4: Explain different methods of evaluation of healthcare services.
Listing the different methods of evaluation of healthcare services
Explanation of methods of evaluation of healthcare services

Q.5: Define cost accounting. Explain the various categories of costs.
Definition of cost accounting
Mentioning various categories of costs
Explanation of various categories of costs

Q.6: Explain the importance of healthcare planning. Add a note of types of healthcare planning.
Importance of healthcare planning
Types of healthcare planning

Dear students get fully solved  SMU MBA Spring 2014 assignments
Send your semester & Specialization name to our mail id :

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These are just questions for reference . To check samples see our latest uploads in blog archive or search assignments .
(Prefer mailing. Call in emergency )

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