BT9002, Grid Computing

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BT9002, Grid Computing

Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

Question.1. What are the components that are necessary to form a grid?

Answer:An electric grid is a network of synchronized power providers and consumers that are connected by transmission and distribution lines and operated by one or more control centers. When most people talk about the power "grid," they're referring to the transmission system for electricity.

The continental United States does not have a national grid. Instead, there are three grids: the Eastern Interconnect, the Western Interconnect and the Texas Interconnect. In Alaska and Hawaii, several smaller systems interconnect parts of each state.

Increasingly, intelligence is being built into

Question.2. Briefly explain the various layers of grid architecture.

Answer:The grid is a metacomputing infrastructure that brings together computers (PCs, workstations, server clusters, supercomputers,

Question.3. Explain autonomic computing and its properties.

Answer:Autonomic computing refers to the self-managing characteristics of distributed computing resources, adapting to unpredictable changes while hiding intrinsic complexity to operators and users.

Started by IBM in 2001, this initiative ultimately aims to develop computer systems capable of self-management, to overcome the rapidly growing complexity of computing systems management, and to reduce the barrier that complexity poses to further growth. The system makes decisions on its own, using high-level policies; it will constantly check and optimize its status and automatically adapt itself to changing conditions. An autonomic computing framework is composed of autonomic components (AC) interacting with each other. An AC can be modeled in terms of two main control loops (local and global) with sensors (for self-monitoring),

Question.4. Briefly explain the scenarios and use case situation analysis in virtual organization grid portal.

Answer: Successful realization of the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) vision of a broadly applicable and adopted framework for distributed system integration requires definition of a wide variety of Grid use case scenarios of both e-science and e-business applications. Use cases described in this document cover commercial infrastructure and application topics (Commercial Data Center, Online Media and Entertainment, Inter grid), scientific infrastructure and application topics (National Fusion Collaboratory, Severe Storm Modeling, and Virtual Organization Grid Portal), essential grid technologies (Grid Resource Reseller,

Question.5. Explain OGSA core platform components with diagram.

Answer:Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) is a set of standards defining the way in which information is shared among diverse components of large, heterogeneous grid systems. In this context, a grid system is a scalable wide area network (WAN) that supports resource sharing and distribution. OGSA is a trademark of the Open Grid Forum.

Question.6. Briefly explain the major components of

Answer:OSGi.NET helps .NET developers to reform and build software systems consisting of individual logical physical modules which are communicating with each others by Service Bus (a combination of pre-defined service interfaces, could add/get/remove specified service instance) or by extension point/extension (a mechanism that allow one module to publish extra infomations (extension, xml format) to another who subscribes the same topic (same extension ponit name) in oder to extend the subscriber dynamically. Modules (always called "Bundle") are under the control of OSGi.NET Runtime with life-cycle management (Installed, Resolved, Starting, Active, Stopping, Uninstalled) which is accessble by others when want

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