Data Management - XIBMS Latest solved assignments


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Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies

           MARKS: 80

SUB :  Data Management



PART – A                     (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)


Attempt any 5 Questions



Question. 1. Distinguish between specialization and generalization. How will you represent them in an ER diagram?

Answer: Generalization

  • It works using bottom-up approach.
  • The size of schema is reduced.
  • It is generally applied to a group of entities.
  • Inheritance is not used in generalization.
  • It can be defined as a process where grouping are created from multiple entity sets.
  • It takes the union of two














Question. 2. Give examples of different types of JOIN statement in SQL.

Answer: Types of Join statements

The type of join statement you use depends on your use case. There are four different types of join operations:

  • (INNER) JOIN: Returns dataset that have matching values in both tables
  • LEFT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the left table and matched records from the right s
  • RIGHT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the right table and the matched records from the left



Question. 3.  What are clustered indexes? What is the maximum number of clustered index allowed on one data file?




Question. 4. List the different types of constraints that can be specified in a relational database.

Answer: Constraints in DBMS-

·         Relational constraints are the restrictions imposed on the database contents and operations.

·         They ensure the correctness of




Question. 5. Define functional dependency and state the Normal Form based on this.



Question. 6. State the desirable properties of a transaction.

Answer: The transaction has the four properties. These are used to maintain consistency in a database, before and after the transaction.


1.      Atomicity


Question. 7. What are temporal databases? Give an example of a typical application where such databases will be required.


Question. 8. Explain inheritance property in OODBMS.



Question. 9. Draw a block diagram showing the basic steps in Query Processing.

Answer : Query Processing includes translations on high level Queries into low level expressions that can be used at physical level of file




Question. 10. Define:

 (a) Network transparency

 (b)   Fragmentation transparency





(3 X 20 = 60 Marks)

Attempt any 3 Questions


Question. 11.

(i) Explain the 3 schema architecture in DBMS.  Highlight the difference between physical and logical data independence.       

(ii) Define 3 NF and Boyce-Codd NF. Explain with suitable examples.                                                                                                    


Question. 12.  (i) Compare a file based system and an RDBMS system. When will you  develop a file based system?                                                                

Question. 12 (ii) Construct an ER diagram for a company, which sells and services cars. The company keeps information about customers who purchase one or more cars, the sales person who is responsible for the sale and service details for each car is maintained. (assume minimum of 4 attributes on each entity type)                                                              


Question.  13.   (i)  With a suitable diagram, explain the overall structure of a database               system.                                                                                               

Question. 13.(ii) Define primary key, super key and candidate key.                             

Question. 13.(iii) What are inference rules in a functional dependency? When is a set of FD said to be a minimal set?                                    


Question. 14. (i)  List the operations of the relational algebra and explain with Suitable example     

Answer : RELATIONAL ALGEBRA is a widely used procedural query language. It collects instances of relations as input and gives occurrences of relations as output. It uses various operations to perform this action. SQL Relational algebra query operations are performed recursively on a relation. The output of





Question. 15. (i) Explain the different types of indexes. Which of these indexes are dense and which are not.                                                               

Answer : Indexing is a data structure technique which allows you to quickly retrieve records from a database file. An Index is a small table having only two columns. The first column comprises a copy of the primary or candidate key of a table. Its second column contains a set of pointers for holding the address of the disk block where that specific key value stored.




Question. 16. a)  (i) Discuss why concurrency control is needed in a DBMS?                    


Answer : Why use Concurrency method?


Reasons for using Concurrency control method is DBMS:

  • To apply Isolation through mutual exclusion between conflicting transactions
  • To resolve read-write and write-write conflict issues
  • To preserve database consistency through constantly preserving execution obstructions
  • The system needs to control the interaction among the concurrent transactions. This control is achieved using concurrent-control



Question. 16. (ii) Explain any one method by which concurrency is achieved in a DBMS.                                                                                                     

Answer: Concurrency Control in Database Management System is a procedure of managing simultaneous operations without conflicting with each other. It ensures that Database transactions are performed concurrently and accurately to produce correct results without violating data integrity of the respective Database.


DBMS Concurrency Control is used to address such conflicts, which mostly occur with a multi-user system. Therefore, Concurrency Control is the



Question. 17.  (i) Explain with examples the concept Record and SET data structures in a  Network data ,model                                                                  

Question. 17. (ii) Explain how a select operation is done in query processing?           


Question. 18. (i)  Explain the concept of  Object and Object Identity in Object Oriented data model                                                                                  

Question. 18. (ii)   Discuss the features of Distributed database.                                   

Question. 18. (iii)   Explain the 2-phase commit protocol for distributed database.        


Question. 19. (i)  Describe the association rule and classification rules in data mining?                                                                                          

Question. 19.(ii) With a schematic diagram explain the architecture and features



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