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Book ID-B1715
Max. Marks-30
Q1. Write short notes on the following:
a) Various forms of organisation
b) Competitive strategies
(a) Various forms of organisation, b) Competitive strategies)5,5
a) Various forms of organisation
Small business may operate under any one of several forms of organisation. These are:
1)      Sole proprietorship Here the owner and manager is the same person, who will have the responsibility of taking care of each and every aspect of the business. This is a common business structure. With this structure, operation is

Q2. What is meant by working capital? Explain the various sources of working capital.
(Meaning of working capital, Explanation of various sources of working capital)2,8
Working capital
Working capital (abbreviated WC) is a financial metric which represents operating liquidity available to a business, organization or other entity, including governmental entity. Along with fixed assets such as plant and equipment,

Q3. Describe the following:
(a) Capacity management
(b) Managerial activities
((a) Description of Capacity management, (b) Description of Managerial activities)5,5
(a) Capacity management
Capacity refers to the output the plant can produce in a time period. Building capacity in excess of demand requirement will result in blocking up of funds in idle capacity. Too short a capacity will force the business to forego orders resulting in customer dissatisfaction. Consequently, it will sap the morale of the marketing staff. It is

BBA 403 - International marketing
BK ID-B1714

Q.1. Explain the meaning, need and significance of international marketing. (Meaning, Need, significance) 3, 4, 3

Meaning of International Marketing

Before trying to understand the definition of international marketing let us recapitulate the definition of “Marketing” as given by Mr. Kotler, an authority on the subject. According to Mr. Kotler, “Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want

Q2 What are the elements of culture? Explain.
(Elements of culture)
Broadly, culture constitutes five elements called the values, rituals, symbols, beliefs and thought processes as referred in the foregoing

Q3 Assessing political environment plays an important role in taking business decisions.
Discuss this statement. What risks could arise due to political environment?
(Discuss the statement, Political risk)

Assessing the political environment always plays a very important role in arriving at any business decision. Foreign firm operations are drastically affected due to certain laws and regulations directed by local, regional and/or central government.
Further, assessing the political situation and climate of the home country is much easier compared to the one in a

Q.4. Explain the meaning and need of secondary research in international marketing. (Meaning, need) 3, 7

Secondary Research

As the name indicates, secondary data is the data collected by somebody earlier for their use. Secondary research is carried out first. This research is conducted by collecting data from the following

Q.5. What is the mode of entry adopted by McDonalds? Discuss the various modes of entry in international business. (Mode of entry by McDonalds, Modes of entry) 3, 7
Mode of entry adopted by McDonalds
Mcdonald is the world famous fast food restaurant. Mcdonald’s from its day first has always tried to have strong

Q6 Write short notes on:
a) Product diversification
b) Product customization
[a) meaning and benefits of product diversification b) meaning and benefits of product customization] 5, 5
Product Diversification
Product diversification is a conscious activity undertaken by business firms where new products are added to the existing portfolio of product/s to exploit the additional sales opportunities available in the market.

The International Marketer secures a marketing edge over competitors by diversification of products in which

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BK ID B1713 CREDIT & MARKS 4 Credits, 60 marks

Q. No 1 Explain the importance of Management Accounting and Need of Management Accounting.
(Explanation of Management accounting, Need of Management Accounting)  7 +3 =10
Answer: Importance
Management accounting is very helpful to management in every field of activity. It assists the management in the performance of the various managerial functions of planning, controlling, co-

Q2. Explain the various steps in Budgetary Control. Advantages of Budgetary Control.
 (Steps in Budgetary Control, Advantages of Budgetary Control)  4 +6 =10
Answer: The various steps included in the budgetary control system are:
1.      Determination of organisational objectives – Budget is a tool for implementing the organisational

Q3. What is absorption costing? Explain the features of absorption costing. Write the differences between absorption and marginal costing.
(Absorption costing, Features of absorption costing, Difference between absorption and marginal costing) 3 +3 +4 =10
Absorption costing: Absorption costing is a technique or practice of ascertaining the cost per unit of goods produced or service rendered. Absorption costing is the practice of charging all costs, both fixed

Q4. Explain the three types of financing in working capital.
 Raw material: Rs.80 per unit, labour: Rs.30 per unit; overheads: Rs.60 per unit, selling price/unit Rs.200: raw materials: one month, work in progress: 15 days, finished goods: 1 month; creditors: 1 month; debtors: two months, Wages: 45 days; overheads: 1 month; ¼ of production is sold in cash. Desired cash balance is Rs.3,65,000. Production per annum is 1,04,000 units. Estimate the working capital.
(Explanation of financing of working capital, Estimation of working capital) 3 +7 =10


                Use the following information to prepare:                                                                                                         
                                A schedule of changes in working capital.                                                           
                                A funds flow statement of Sahana & Co.                                                                                             
                                                                                                Balance Sheet of Sahana & Co.                                 
                                                Liabilities            31.03.2010                           31.03.2011                           Assets   31.03.2010           31.03.2011               
Capital  1,85,000               2,10,000               Goodwill (at      60,000   60,000                  
                                P&L        1,47,800               1,76400 cost)      1,85000 2,20,000                              
                                account                1,20,000               90,000   Land      47,400   52,400                  
                                Bank      40,000   68,000   andbuilding       19,400   19,400                  
                                loan       1,40,000               1,22,000               Plant     82,600   72,400                  
                                Bills       20,000   18,000   andmachinery   1,20,000               1,28,000                              
                                payable                                                Furniture             80,000   72,100                  
                                Sundry                                  Inventory            50,000   48,300                  
                                Creditors                                             Sundry  8,400     11,800                  
                                Provision                                             Debtors                                                               
                                for                                          Bills                                                      
                                taxation                                               Receivable                                                        
                                                6,52,800               6,84,400                                               6,52,800               6,84,400                              
                Schedule of changes in working capital                 5                              10                          
                Fund flow statement of Sahana & Co                     5                                                             

Answer: Statement of changes in working capital from 01.04.2010 to 31.03.2011.
Statement of Changes

Q6 Give the meaning of dividend policy. Explain the significance of dividend decision and types of dividend policy.
( Meaning of Dividend policy, Significance of dividend decision, Types of dividend policy) 3 +2 +5 =10
Answer: Meaning of Dividend Policy:
Dividend policy is the policy drafted by companies regarding the amount to be paid to shareholders in the form of

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Q.No 1 a. Amazon is the world's online marketplace® for all the books, enabling trade on a local, national and international basis. With a diverse and passionate community of individuals and small businesses, Amazon offers an online platform where millions of items are traded each day. Mention and explain the various opportunities offered by ecommerce for businesses
b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of eCommerce?
( a. Listing the opportunities and explaining b. Listing the main advantages, Listing the disadvantages) 3+3+4=10

a) E-Commerce Opportunities offered by eCommerce for Businesses:

Q2 a. The TCP/IP reference model is the network model used in the current Internet architecture. This model is derived from the OSI model and they are relatively same in nature. Explain the different characteristics of Gateways in the TCP/IP reference model with a neat diagram
b. Write short note on Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) with example
(a. Diagram Characteristics b. Explanation on HTML Example )3+3+3+1=10
Characteristics of Gateways
•         Gateway routers are used to connect dissimilar LANs and perform all the functions of bridges and routers. It operates as all seven layers of the OSI Reference Model.
•         Gateways provide full protocol conversion from one proprietary LAN technology to another.
•         Gateway uses

Q3 Hanson websites are built to work for your business and are built on the concept of intelligent website. An intelligent website is more than just a brochure on the web. It allows you to edit the website yourself through a Content Management System (CMS). What is the need for an intelligent website?
(Listing the steps Explanation) 4 +6 = 10
Step 1: Basic Web traffic analysis
Before starting any Web activity, one first needs to analyse the Web traffic. This type of data provides a

Q4. When a data is sent across the network it is encrypted and arranged in a way that even if there is a diversion in the flow of data should not leak the data. At the reception it is decrypted and actual data is obtained. Explain the different methods of encryption technique.
(Listing, Explanation each of them, Diagram for each of them) 1+5+4=10
There are three types of cryptography or methods of encryption:
•         Secret key or private key or symmetric key cryptography
•         Public key or asymmetric key cryptography

Q5. Explain the different categories of electronic payment system in detail
(Listing the types and sub types, Explanation)3 +7  =10
Answer: There are three main categories of EPS.
1.Banking and Financial Payments

Q6. We know that there are various internet services which help us to make the use of network efficiently. Being a regular user of the various services without probably knowing the technical aspects explain those services in details with an example.
(Listing the various services, Explanation, Examples) 2+6 +2 = 10
Services that are

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