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Name : Mary Jennifer.A Marks : 80
Course : Bachelors in Management Studies (BMS)
Subject : Personnel Management
Answer the following question.
Question. 1. What is Social System Model? Explain in short the examples of Social System Model. (10 marks)
Answer: Think about the town or city that you live in - what are the pieces that make it a community? There are probably private businesses and manufacturing, public schools, government agencies, and possibly even a few religious institutions. Although we tend to think of these things as being independent entities that provide us with certain services, they are also the individual pieces that comprise a community or society.
Question. 2. What is demotion? Explain in detail (10 marks)
Answer: A demotion is a compulsory reduction in an employee's rank or job title within the organizational hierarchy of a company, public service department, or other body. A demotion may also lead to the loss of other privileges associated with a more senior rank and/or a reduction in salary or benefits. An employee may be demoted for violating the rules of the organization by a behavior such as excessive lateness, misconduct, or negligence. In some cases, an employee may be demoted as an alternative to being laid off, if the employee has poor job performance or if the company is facing a financial crisis. A move to a position at the same rank or level elsewhere in the organization is called a lateral move or deployment. A voluntary move to a lower level is also a deployment as it is not a compulsory reduction in level. Demotion is
Question. 3. What are the method os wage payment? (10 marks)
Answer: There are two basic methods of wage payment, i.e., payment by time and payment by results (PBR). The latter one is also known as the incentive wage system.
Payment by time: This is the age-old and most prevalent method of method the employee is paid on the basis of time worked such as per day per week,
Question. 4. Explain the special provisions of employees state insurance scheme (10 marks)
Answer: Employees' State Insurance (abbreviated as ESI) is a self-financing social security and health insurance scheme for Indian workers. This fund is managed by the Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) according to rules and regulations stipulated there in the ESI Act 1948. ESIC is an autonomous corporation by a statutory creation under Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.
ESI Act: Employees' State Insurance Corporation (
Question. 5. Explain in detail Participation of workers in management bill 1990 (10 marks)
Answer: The workers’ participation in management is not a novel and imported idea from outside. It can be dated as far back as 1920 when Mahatma Gandhi suggested participation of workers in management on the ground that workers contributed labour and brains while shareholders contributed money to the enterprise and that both should, therefore, share in its property.
He said that there should be a perfect relationship of
Question. 6. what is the trained in human issues in Indian industry? (10 marks)
Answer: Human resource plays a vital role in development of an organization making it an invaluable asset for an organization success. Since, it is a business or industry specified function, it is necessary for it to evolve to the same degree as the industry does. With the recent advancements in the business world, the roles and functions of HR are undergoing numerous transformations. In today’s growth fierce market competition, HR’s day-to-day role is becoming more challenging and strategic. Issues and challenges can range from retaining
Question. 7. Write a note on assessment centers? (10 marks)
Answer: An assessment centre is a process where candidates are assessed to determine their suitability for specific types of employment, especially management or military command. The candidates' personality and aptitudes are determined by a variety of techniques including interviews, group exercises, presentations, examinations and psychometric testing.
In modern times, the German army introduced assessment techniques for selecting its officers in the 1930s. Psychologist Max Simoneit was
Question. 8. You have to recruit 20 probationary officers for ICICI limited.. what will be the procedure of selection? (10 marks)
Answer: The process of recruitment for ICICI Bank PO 2017 is an initiative of ICICI Bank to attract young talent from across the country to pursue a career in banking and equip them with relevant banking knowledge and skills. The complete process of ICICI Bank PO 2017 shall be carried out as per the schedule provided below.
Schedule of activities for ICICI Bank PO 2017
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