NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Essentials of HRM
Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2016 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
All Questions carry equal marks.
All Questions are compulsory
All answers to be explained in not more than
1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for question 3 in not more than 500 words
for each subsection. Use relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
All answers to be written individually. Discussion
and group work is not advisable.
Students are free to refer to any
books/reference material/website/internet for attempting their assignments, but
are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of reference.
Students should write the assignment in their
own words. Copying of assignments from other students is not allowed.
Question. 1. There is lot of emphasis
that the processes like HR audit and HR accounting can only be successful if
accurate HR information is available. Validate this statement with proper
explanation on needs and application of HRIS.
Training and development
Performing appraisal
Retention Strategy (10 Marks)
Answer: HR Audit and HR Accounting process requires time and
accuracy. These are two things that will necessary require expertise and
skills. If you need to be successful in your attempt of HR Audit and HR
Accounting then you need to make sure that you are accurate in the HR
information phase. All your information needs to be accurate and trusted so
that the results can be actually good.
Proper HR Audit and HR Accounting
procedure will require implementation and application of HRIS because it will
allow you to get advantage of advancement in the old HR Audit and HR Accounting
Question. 2. It is continuously heard
from employees that their performance evaluation wasn't a valuable progressive
experience. The most important part of the difficulty is that most managers
will avoid discussing performance issues that are related to behaviour. It’s more
on ease to discuss about concrete job responsibilities, skills and goals. There
may be a grave concern that is never brought up because the manager is afraid
of your reaction or may lack the ability to translate it into the right words.
Keeping in view the above sentence discuss any two future oriented performance
appraisal methods which can help resolve such problems. (10 Marks)
Answer: The performance of
employees depends on the right execution of work and performance evaluation
procedure is necessary for this task. Performance appraisal is one of the most
effective tasks that can be done in this situation. When the future oriented
performance appraisal will be implied then the employees will be able to
concentrate on their job with best performance, skills and it will help them to
fulfil their goals efficiently.
Usage of Performance Appraisal
Training and
Question. 3. Ria joined Techno Geeks a
software company as a GET (Graduate Engineer Trainee). On the very first day of
her joining she was given some brochure to read and subsequently some work was
assigned to her. Whenever she had a query she went to her peers and superiors
which they sometime disliked Ria is very confused and doesn’t carry a good
impression about the organisation. She then resigned from her work within a
month of joining. The HR realised that the employee turnover is increasing and
the prominent reason behind is the lack of induction.
a) What new strategy the HR should come up
with in terms of Induction? Discuss (5 Marks)
Answer: Ria joined Techno
Geeks a software company as a GET (Graduate Engineer Trainee). On the very
first day of her joining she was given some brochure to read and subsequently
some work was assigned to her. Whenever she had a query she went to her peers
and superiors which they sometime disliked Ria is very confused and doesn’t
carry a good impression about the organisation. She then
b) Explain the purpose of induction that
how things could have been different in above case if they followed a proper
induction pattern. (5 Marks)
Answer: When the Recruitment
and Selection procedure has been outlined, then this will be the time for you
to follow the next procedure of formal induction. The procedure of induction
will involve the familiarization of new employees.
students get fully solved assignments
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