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Name : Mary Jennifer.A Marks : 80
Course : Bachelors in Management Studies (BMS)
Subject : International Business
Answer the following question.
Question. 1. State the importance of business ethics. (10 marks)
Answer: importanceofbusinessethicsEthics are, at their essence, moral judgements about what is right and what is wrong. In a business sense, these ethics are decided upon and formed by each company and underpin the decisions that anyone in the business makes. The decision to behave ethically as one individual to another is easy for any decent moral human being, but it is easy to forget the impact a large, faceless business can have on the world. Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility are all about bearing in mind the full weight of any corporate decision.
Question. 2. What are the different dimensions of economic environment? (10 marks)
Answer: The Dimensions or the factors constituting the business environment include political, social, technological, legal and economic factors which are considered important for taking decisions and for improving the operations of a firm.
These are a part of general environment which influences the performance of many firms at the same time.
Question. 3. Enumerate the importance of International Business in Indian Industrial development (10 marks)
Answer: The economic development in India followed socialist-inspired policies for most of its independent history, including state-ownership of many sectors; India's per capita income increased at only around 1% annualised rate in the three decades after its independence. Since the mid-1980s, India has slowly opened up its markets through economic liberalisation. After more fundamental reforms since 1991 and their renewal in the 2000s, India has progressed towards a free market economy.
Question. 4. Explain global human resource management (10 marks)
Answer: With the advent of globalization, organizations - big or small have ceased to be local, they have become global! This has increased the workforce diversity and cultural sensitivities have emerged like never before. All this led to the development of Global Human Resource Management.
Even those organizations who consider
Question. 5. List out the role of RBI. (10 marks)
Answer: Major functions of the RBI are as follows:
1. Issue of Bank Notes: The Reserve Bank of India has the sole right to issue currency notes except one rupee notes which are issued by the Ministry of Finance. Currency notes issued by the Reserve Bank are declared unlimited legal tender throughout the country.
This concentration of notes issue function with the Reserve Bank has a number of advantages: (i) it brings uniformity in notes issue; (ii) it makes possible effective state supervision; (iii) it is easier to control and regulate credit in accordance with the requirements in the economy; and (iv) it keeps faith of the public in the paper currency.
Question. 6. Description of SCM project undertaken by BPCL. (10 marks)
Answer: BPCL is organized into 6 Strategic Business Units (SBUs) comprising of Industrial & Commercial (I&C), Retail, Lubricants, LPG, Aviation and Refinery. It markets the products through a country wide network of 33 installation & oil terminals, 63 company operated depots, 45 LPG bottling plants and 19 Aviation service stations which provide logistical support for 7077 petrol stations, 1008 Kerosene / LDO dealers and 2124 LPG distributors, besides supplying fuel directly to hundreds of industries, and several international and domestic airlines.
Benefits derived by company by focusing on e-revolution
Question. 7. What are duty payables of soft bonded IT unit (SBIT) (10 marks)
Answer: In 1997, when the IT hardware industry was getting de-emphasised by a general hostile policy environment and the impact of wrongly balanced structure of the original version of the Electronic Hardware Technology Park (EHTP), decisive steps were taken towards creating a duty free area for IT hardware manufacture with a scheme
Question. 8. Describe European Investment Bank (EIB) ? (10 marks)
Answer: The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the European Union's nonprofit long-term lending institution established in 1958 under the Treaty of Rome. As a "policy-driven bank" whose shareholders are the member states of the EU, the EIB uses its financing operations to bring about European integration and social cohesion. It should not be confused with the European Central Bank.
The EIB is a publicly owned international financial institution
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