Master of
Business Administration - MBA Semester II
Master of
Business Administration - MBA Semester II
MB0047 – Management Information Systems - 4
(Book ID: B1136)
Assignment - Set- 1 (60 Marks)
each question. Each question carries 10 marks:
1. What
is MIS? Define the characteristics of MIS? What are the basic Functions of MIS?
Give some Disadvantage of MIS?
The industrial
revolution has slowly replaced man power with machines. There emerged the use
of computer for data processing. The digital computer was mainly designed to
handle scientific calculations. During 1940 to 1960 computers were used
commercially for census and payroll work which involved large amount of data
processing. Since then the commercial application exceeded the scientific
Computer Based
Information systems are of vital importance in modern organization. Systems
professionals analyze, design, develop, implement and manage state-of-the-art
telecommunications, multi-media and other computer-based information systems.
In addition to maintaining traditional transaction processing systems, today’s
IS professionals are involved in exciting developments in computing systems,
such as decision support and expert systems, database development and
enhancement, development and use of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), systems
design using object oriented programming, design and management of
telecommunications systems, and the management of end-user computing. So you
can define MIS is a method of generating information which is used by management
or organization for decision making, control of activities and operations etc
It supports transaction handling and record keeping.
It is also called as integrated database Management System which supports in
major functional areas.
It provides operational, tactical, and strategic level managers with east
access to timely but, for the most, structured information.
It supports decision –making function which is a vital role of MIS.
It is flexible which is needed to adapt to the changing needs of the
It promotes security system by providing only access to authorized users.
MIS not only provides statistical and data analysis but also works on the basis
on MBO (management by objectives). MIS is successfully used for measuring
performance and making necessary change in the organizational plans and
procedures. It helps to build relevant and measurable objectives, monitor
results, and send alerts.
Coordination: MIS provides integrated information so that all the departments
are aware of the problem and requirements of the other departments. This helps
in equal interaction of the different centers and connects decision centers of
the organization.
Duplication of data is reduced since data is stored in the central part and
same data can be used by all the related departments.
MIS eliminates redundant data.
It helps in maintaining consistency of data. It is divided into subsystems.
Handlings with small systems are much easier than an entire system. This helps
in giving easy access of data, accuracy and better information production.
MIS assembles, process, stores, Retrieves, evaluates and disseminates the
of MIS
main functions of MIS are:
Data Processing: Gathering, storage, transmission, processing and getting
output of the data. Making the data into information is a major task.
Prediction: Prediction is based on the historical data by applying the prior
knowledge methodology by using modern mathematics, statistics or simulation. Prior
knowledge varies on the application and with different departments.
Planning: Planning reports are produced based on the enterprise restriction on
the companies and helps in planning each functional department to work
Control: MIS helps in monitoring the operations and inspects the plans. It
consists of differences between operation and plan with respect to data
belonging to different functional department. It controls the timely action of
the plans and analyzes the reasons for the differences between the operations
and plan. Thereby helps managers to accomplish their decision making task
Assistance: It stores the related problems and frequently used information to
apply them for relative economic benefits. Through this it can derive instant
answers of the related problem.
Database: This is the most important function of MIS. All the information is
needs a storage space which can be accessed without causing any anomalies in
the data. Integrated Database avoids the duplication of data and thereby
reduces redundancy and hence consistency will be increased.
The major function of MIS lies in application of the above functions to support
the managers and the executives in the organization in decision-making.
of MIS
following are some of the disadvantages of MIS:
MIS is highly sensitive: MIS is very helpful in maintaining logging information
of an authorized user. This needs to monitor constantly.
Quality of outputs is governed by quality of inputs.
MIS budgeting: There is difficulty in maintaining indirect cost and overheads.
Capturing the actual cost needs to have an accrual system having true costs of
outputs which is extremely difficult. It has been difficult to establish
definite findings.
MIS is not flexible to update itself for the changes.
The changes in the decision of top level management decrease its effectiveness.
Information accountability is based on the qualitative factors and the factors
like morality, confidence or attitude will not have any base.
Explain Knowledge based system? Explain DSS and OLAP with example?
Knowledge Based
System (KBS)
3. What
are Value Chain Analysis & describe its significance in MIS? Explain what
is meant by BPR? What is its significance? How Data warehousing & Data
Mining is useful in terms of MIS?
Explain DFD & Data Dictionary? Explain in detail how the information
requirement is determined for an organization?
5. What
is ERP? Explain its existence before and its future after? What are the advantages
& Disadvantages of ERP? What is Artificial Intelligence? How is it
different from Neural Networks?
Distinguish between closed decision making system & open decision making
system? What is ‘What – if‘ analysis? Why is more time spend in problem analysis
& problem definition as compared to the time spends on decision analysis?
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester II
MB0047 – Management
Information Systems - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1136)
Assignment - Set- 2 (60
each question. Each question carries 10 marks:
How hardware & software support in various MIS activities of the
the transaction stages from manual system to automated systems?
support for MIS
hardware in the form of personal computers and peripherals like printers, fax
machines, copier, scanners etc are used in organization to support various MIS
activities of the organization.
Advantages of a PC: you
can find the following advantages a personal computer offers:
a) Speed – A PC can process data at a very
high speed. It can process millions of instructions within fraction of seconds.
b) Storage – A PC can store large quantity of
data in a small space. It eliminates the need of storing the conventional
office flat files and box files which requires lots of space. The storage
system in a PC is such that the information can be transferred from one place
to another place in electronic form.
c) Communication – A PC on the network can offer great support
as a communicator in communicating information in the form of text and images.
Today a PC with internet is used as a powerful tool of communication for every
business activity.
d) Accuracy – A PC is highly reliable in the sense
that it could be used to perform calculations continuously for hours with a
great degree of accuracy. It is possible to obtain mathematical results correct
up to a great degree of accuracy.
e) Conferencing – A PC with internet offers facility
of video conferencing worldwide. Business people across the globe travel a lot
to meet their business partner, colleagues, and customers etc to discuss about
business activities. By video conferencing inconvenience of traveling can be
block diagram of a computer may be represented as-

: Block diagram of a Computer
unit is used to give input to the processor. Examples of input unit –Keyboard,
scanner, mouse, bar code reader etc.
processor refers to unit which processes the input received the way it has been
instructed. In a computer the processor is the CPU – Central Processing Unit.
It does all mathematical calculations, logical tasks, storing details in the
memory etc.
unit is used to give output s from the computer.
of output unit – Monitor, printer, speakers etc.
Explain the various behavioral factors of management organization? As per
Porter, how can performance of individual corporations be determined?
Compare various types of development aspect of Information System? Explain the
various stages of SDLC?
of Information Systems
Compare & Contrast E-enterprise business model with traditional business
organization model? Explain how in E-enterprise manager role &
responsibilities are changed? Explain how manager is a knowledge worker in
What do you understand by service level Agreements (SLAs)? Why are they needed?
What is the role of CIO in drafting these? Explain the various security hazards
faced by an IS?
Case Study: Information system in a restaurant.
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