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Name : Mary Jennifer.A Marks : 80
Course : Bachelors in Management Studies (BMS)
Subject : Marketing Management
Answer the following question.
Question. 1. “Success of of several consumer products in the Indian market in the recent Past Was directly of indirectly related to packing decisions.” Critically evaluate the Statement describing the nature and importance of packing decisions. Give suitable illustrations from Indian consumer market. (10 marks)
Answer: A marketing plan is a written document that details the necessary actions to achieve one or more marketing objectives. It can be for a product or Service (economics)|service, a brand, or a product line. Marketing plans cover between one and five years.
A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan. Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written marketing plan. While a marketing
Question. 2. Define pricing Describe various factors influencing the pricing decisions. (10 marks)
Answer: The influencing factors for a price decision can be divided into two groups:
(A) Internal Factors and
(B) External Factors.
Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions
(A) Internal Factors:
Question. 3. Discuss the pricing techniques application to a FMCG product being launched In a highly competitive market. (10 marks)
Answer: All pricing strategies differs on basic method of cost based or value based pricing. Mostly new launched brands use cost based strategy and gradually increase by creating awareness with value or quality. if you dont want to enter market with low price , start campaign of buy one and get another in half or free.
Premium Pricing: Use a high price where there is a uniqueness about the product or service. This approach is used where a a substantial competitive advantage exists. Such high prices are charge for luxuries such as Cunard Cruises, Savoy Hotel rooms, and Concorde flights.
Question. 4. How will you alter the marketing mix –intensity & composition, as a product is entering the maturity stage in the lifecycle? How again the marketing mix will have to be modified ,when the same product ,later on, starts showing sales – decline? (10 marks)
Answer: A product's life cycle (PLC) can be divided into several stages characterized by the revenue generated by the product. If a curve is drawn showing product revenue over time, it may take one of many different shapes, an example of which is shown below:
Product Life Cycle Curve
Question. 5. Explain Significance of Branding. (10 marks)
Answer: Branding is the marketing strategy used by firms to differentiate their products from similar offerings. It is especially important for small marketers who lack the promotional resources of big competitors. When a product has a unique name, appearance and image, it is easier for shoppers to find in a crowded marketplace. A strong brand identity can also affect consumer behavior by building emotional connections and reinforcing buying habits.
Shopping Behavior: In most consumer goods categories, buyers must choose among a large number of products offering similar attributes and benefits. Especially for low-involvement, low-priced items like toiletries and snack foods, few people are motivated to spend time and effort researching and comparing alternatives. Branding simplifies shopping for these
Question. 7. What is Direct Marketing? (10 marks)
Answer: Direct marketing is a form of advertising which allows businesses and nonprofit organizations to communicate directly to customers through a variety of media including cell phone text messaging, email, websites, online adverts, database marketing, fliers, catalog distribution, promotional letters and targeted television, newspaper and magazine advertisements as well as outdoor advertising. Among practitioners, it is also known as direct response.
Direct marketing focuses on the customer, data, and testing. Hence, besides the actual communication, a direct marketing campaign will incorporate
Question. 8. What are Current trends in packaging? (10 marks)
Answer: Three current developments are driving these trends: first of all, it still takes customers much too long to key in data. New address services are turning this into a thing of the past. An addressee’s name will soon suffice for a gift to be on its way. Alibaba has already gone one step further: in March 2015 CEO Jack Ma demonstrated technology that will allow users to pay ‘selfie style’ using smartphone face recognition.
Secondly: things announced long ago are now becoming reality – domestic appliances are becoming an interface for retail. Amazon Dash Replenishment Service
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