MH0059 – Quality Management in Healthcare Services

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FALL 2014
MH0059 – Quality Management in Healthcare Services

Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme

Q1. Discuss the application of quality concepts and philosophies to the healthcare industry.

Answer : Six Sigma methodologies aim at improving overall quality  by eliminating defects and achieving near perfection by restricting the number of possible defects to less than 3.4 defects per million. Six Sigma methodologies were originally developed for implementation in the manufacturing sector but with time their use has spread to the services sector as well. In the services sector, Six Sigma concepts are used mainly for eliminating transactional errors.
Today, the concepts and methodologies of Six

Q2. Explain the six sigma concept.
Answer : Six sigma :

Six Sigma at many organizations simply means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects (driving toward six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process – from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service. The statistical representation of Six Sigma describes quantitatively how a process is performing. To achieve Six Sigma, a process must not produce more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. A Six Sigma defect is defined as anything outside of customer specifications.

Q.3: Explain the various quality tools.
Answer : The basic seven control tools considered for achieving quality are Flow Chart, Check sheet, Histogram, Pareto Analysis, Scatter Diagram, Control Chart, and Cause and Effect Diagram for
Quality control tools-

  a)Flow Chart:
Flow chart is a visual representation of process showing the various steps. It helps in locating the points at which a problem exists or an improvement is possible. Detailed data can be collected, analyzed, and methods for correction can be

Q.4: Explain the steps followed in implementation of QMS in healthcare organization.
Answer : Steps to Creating a Total Quality Management System
1.  Clarify Vision, Mission and Values
Employees need to know how what they do is tied to organizational strategy and objectives which makes it important that all employees understand where the organization is headed (its vision), what it hopes to accomplish (mission) and the operational principles (values) that will steer its priorities and decision making.

2.  Identify Critical Success Factors (CSF)
Critical success factors help an organization focus on those things that help it meet objectives and move a little closer to achieving its mission.  These performance based measures provide a gauge for determining how well the organization is meeting

Q.5: Define total quality management. Discuss the importance of TQM in healthcare.
Answer : Total quality management :

Total Quality Management / TQM is an integrative philosophy of management for continuously improving the quality of products and processes. TQM is based on the premise that the quality of products and processes is the responsibility of everyone involved with the creation or consumption of the products or services which are offered by an organization, requiring the involvement of management, workforce, suppliers, and customers, to meet or exceed customer expectations. Total quality management can be summarized as a

Q6. Discuss the benefits of quality management in clinical services.
Answer : Ideally, every clinical trial should have a Clinical Trial Quality Management Plan (QMP) describing the tools that will be used to ensure study quality. The extent and nature of monitoring may be determined based on various considerations such as trial design, complexity, size, risks to subjects, and endpoints of the trial.

One of the benefits of developing and implementing a QMP includes developing proactive communication among clinical trial team members.  This

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 MH0059 – Quality Management in Healthcare Services

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