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Case –1 ( 20 Marks)
1. If you were the programmer, would you want to work at Microsoft? Why
or Why not?
Answer : If i were the programmer
i would love to work at microsoft but not interested to work like BULL just to
2. How many activities in this case can you tie into specific
motivation theories? List the
activities; list the motivation theories, and how they apply.
Answer : To my knowledge STOCK
They were applied i
3. As Microsoft continues to get larger and its growth rate flattens do
you think Management
will have to modify any of its motivation practices? Elaborate.
Answer : MOTIVATION has a specific purpose but cannot
be applied for everything. Management need to consider BITTER REALITIES that
could help in making their employees understand what could be done proportional
4. Can money act as a motivator? Explain.
Answer : Motivation and
performance are very complex issues affected by many factors. No one factor can
guarantee motivation or performance in the absence of othercritical factors
.Money cannot be effectively substituted for good management. Some people think
that money can’t be used to motivate employees and that is truefor some
employees, but for a large percentage of the workforce it does not have to be
that way.
Case –2 ( 20 Marks)
1. What should Atlantic Mutual Management do, if anything, to cope with
the aftereffects of
Answer:The Management can
organize a seminar/ presentation with help from a professional counselor about
the various disasters i.e man-made, natural calamity, terrorist attacks etc.
with emphasis on how people
2. How long would You expect employees to be adversely affected by 9/11
if a company
provides no formal assistance for dealing with anger and stress?
Answer :The span of time to
decide on the effects of the trauma would be really difficult as it would wary
according to each one's
3. What, if anything, should Management do about employees who appear
to be suffering from
such kind or trauma and stress, but will neither admit it nor accept
help from their employee?
Answer :The Management can
propagate CSR initiatives with keeping community welfare as its theme.
Voluntary Social work and Helping out
4. Outline the role of HR specialist in providing a safe and healthy
environment for employees
Answer : HR Specialist is the
effective change agent for providing a safe and healthy environment to the
employees. He needs to understand the emotions of individuals and their
concerns as well as the group matrix within the organizations to which
Case –3( 20 Marks)
1. Do you think the company has any orientation programme? If yes,
discuss its effectiveness.
Answer : No according to me the
company hasn’t provided any orientation program. Because when one join a new
company often have lots of questions about the structureof their new company,
its culture, and its goals. A good orientation program cananswer many of those
questions and start off new employees working in the rightdirection.Orientation
is a programs which can take place in-house or off-site, with audio-visual
2. If employees were properly selected, there should be no need for an
orientation programme”.
Comment on the statement.
Answer : I do not agree on the
statement that if employees were properly selected there should be no need for
an orientation programme this situation will not helpemployee how much good he
is and also results in the poor results to the organisation because giving a
proper orientation program can leads to:
To Reduce Start-up-Costs
Proper orientation can help the
employee get "up to speed" much more quickly, thereby reducing the
costs associated with learning the job.
2. To Reduce Anxiety
3. If You were Patil, how would you react to the above situation?
Answer : If I was Patil, I
wouldn’t be angry because it was Patil’s mistake not to take consent before
placing an order in his
4. Discuss the purpose of orientation. What are various requisites of
an effective programme?
Answer : Purposes of Orientation
Employers have to realize that
orientation isn't just a nice gesture put on by the organization. It serves as
an important element of the recruitment and retention process. Some key
purposes are:
To Reduce
Startup Costs: Proper orientation can help the employee get up to speed
much more quickly, thereby reducing the costs associated with learning the job.
To Reduce
Anxiety: Any employee, when put into a new, strange situation, will
experience anxiety that can impede his or her ability to learn to do the job.
Proper orientation helps to reduce anxiety that results from entering into an
unknown situation, and helps provide guidelines for
Case –4 ( 20 Marks)
1. According to You, why did the Bs1110 Scheme succeed and the TQM
Scheme failed in ABC
engineering? Define the term “workers” participation in management.
Bring out the prerequisites for its success.
Answer : Bs1110 Scheme succeed because a total quality Management Scheme was
introduced to increase efficiency and quality control. Throughout the 1990’s,
more flexible arrangements had been introduced together with a breakdown of old
work demarcation lines. Machines were now built by flexible teams of workers
employing different skills like fitters, electricians, hydraulic engineers,
TQM Scheme failed because team leaders had felt uncomfortable in
their roles and there has been a lot of skepticism from some of the workers.
2. Explain in your own words what empowerment means to You. Also
discuss “A worker is a
worker, a Manager a Manager and never the two shall meet.” Do You
agree? Why?
Answer : Empowerment means to
gain knowledge and understanding. Self empowerment means to gain knowledge and
understanding of the self. Think of it like this. If you knew absolutely
nothing about a car and its inner workings, and the car broke down somewhere
far from home. You would have no idea what to do to fix the car, so that you
can go on. Yet if you had a good knowledge and understanding of the car and its
inner workings then you could figure out what needs to be done, get the tools
and spares to do it, and fix it. In this situation you would be empowered (feel
empowered) for you would know what to do to get yourself going again. You would
not just sit in the car and wait for someone to come and sort out the problem
for you.
So self-empowerment means to gain
3. What suggestions would You give to a similar company who were
thinking of introducing
Total Quality Management to make it a success?
Answer : A core definition of
total quality management (TQM) describes a management approach to long–term
success through customer satisfaction. In a TQM effort, all members of an
organization participate in improving processes, products, services, and the
culture in which they work.
The Primary Elements of TQM
Total quality management can be
summarized as a management system for a customer-focused organization that
involves all employees in continual improvement. It uses strategy, data, and
effective communications to integrate the quality discipline into the culture
and activities of the organization.
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