Dear students get fully solved SMU MBA Fall 2014 assignments
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FALL 2014
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks
questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by
evaluation scheme.
Q. 1. In the current e-world any organisation’s
massive operations are managed by various types ofinformation systems that help
them to achieve their goals of servicing their clients. This can be done by the
growth of modern organization. Discuss some of the essential features of
Answer: Modern
organization design draws on ideas from many fields to make communication more
dynamic and blend individual and organizational solutions together into a
cohesive whole. New designs focus on adaptability. They
rely highly on employee involvement, distribute authority based on skill and
have fewer rules and boundaries, resulting in a more organic structure.
A Listing the features
Matrix structures take the basic
structure of function organi
Q. 2. Marketing managers are
keener to look for a least cost route that also allow a sales person tomeet all
his customers. Identifying a least cost route with this features is slightly
complicated.Therefore, managers depend on decision support tools to find the
most cost effective routes tocover the market. The travelling salesman problem
is one of such tool. Describe the tool with adiagram.
Answer: A problem in graph
theory requiring the most efficient (i.e., least total distance) Hamiltonian
cycle a salesman can take through each of n cities. No general method of
solution is known, and the problem is NP-hard. Solution to the traveling
salesman problem is implemented as Traveling Salesman in the Mathematica
package Combinatorica` and Find Shortest Tour[v1, v2, ...].
Q. 3. There are many examples
of digital goods. Companies such as are selling digitalversions of
books over their site. These digital books can be read on special readers that
displaythe pages on a screen.
Answer:A. Listing the
Relevant: The
information obtained and used should be needed for
decision-making. it doesn't matter how interesting it is. Businesses are often
criticised for producing too much information simply because their information
systems can "do it".
Up-to-date: Information
needs to be timely if it is to be actioned. For example, the manager of a large
retail business needs daily information on how stores are performing, which
products are selling well (or not) so that immediate action can be taken.
Accurate: As far as possible,
information should be free from errors (e.g. the figures add up; data is
allocated to the correct categories). The users of information should be
informed whenever assumptions or estimates have been
Q. 4. Decision support systems
(DSS) are used extensively across organisations to assist managerswith making
decisions. Decision making by managers involves the phases of intelligence,
design,and choice, and DSS help mainly with the choice part as they support
structured andunstructured types of decisions.
a. What is it that managers do
when they make decisions?
b. Explain the different types
of decisions
Answer: A. Explaining decision
making process
Managers are required to make
hard decisions that support a company's short and long-term goals. Management
decisions are usually made after employees' proposals and preferences have been
heard. They must be made with a team, department or company in mind. The best
management decisions are made with evidence, examination and input from other
leaders. However, managers must keep a balance between receiving input and
being decisive. Be prepared to make difficult decisions and review them for
accuracy in the future. Learn how to make management decisions.
Define your problem. Write down the
b. List and describing the
different types of decisions
A business continually makes
decisions at all levels. Think of a retailer such as Next. To keep the brand’s
high profile position, its managers have to make many decisions. Each major
strategic decision leads to tactical decisions, which break down into
operational decisions.
Decisions are broadly
taken at three levels:
Strategic decisions are big choices of identity
and direction. Who are we? Where are we heading? These decisions are often
complex and multi-dimensional. They may involve large sums of money, have a
long-term impact and are usually taken by senior management.
Tactical decisions are about how to manage
Q. 5. What is crowdsourcing?
How does the site Galaxy Zoo manage crowdsourcing?
Answer: A Crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing is the
process of getting work or funding, usually online, from a crowd of people. The
word is a combination of the words 'crowd' and 'outsourcing'. The idea is to
take work and outsource it to a crowd of workers.
Famous Example:
Wikipedia. Instead of Wikipedia creating an encyclopedia on their own, hiring
writers and editors, they gave a crowd the ability to create the information on
their own. The result? The most comprehensive encyclopedia this world has ever
Q. 6 Data and information
relating to individuals could be of sensitive nature. Give some examplesof such
kind of data
Answer: ‘Sensitive
information’ is a sub-set of personal information and is given a higher level
of protection under the NPPs. The IPPs do not refer to sensitive information
and agencies are required to handle all information, including sensitive
information, in accordance with the IPPs. The principles recommended for
handling sensitive information, and their extension to agencies, are discussed
further in Chapter 22.‘Sensitive information’ is defined in the Privacy Act to
mean information or an opinion about an individual’s:
racial or ethnic origin;
political opinions;
membership of a political association;
religious beliefs or affiliations;
philosophical beliefs;
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