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Project Ops
Answer any 2
questions from the following :
Q1 ) Explain in detail the Project Life Cycle with an example from
any industry.
:The project life cycle consists of four phases, initiation, planning,
execution (including monitoring and controlling) and evaluation. The MPMM
Project Management Methodology is an excellent resource for this part of the
Unit. The Initiation phase begins by defining the scope, purpose, objectives,
resources, deliverables, timescales and structure of the project. The next step
is to develop a Business Case, including several possible solutions and a
cost/benefit analysis for each. A Feasibility Study should then be carried out
to ensure that the chosen solution is feasible and has an acceptable level of
risk. The next step is to
Q2 ) You are the Project Manager in a manufacturing plant. This
facility manufactures plastic bottles to store beverages. You supply these
bottles to various juices manufacturers like Maaza, Tropicana, etc. The current
order is running tight on timelines and you need to do proper project planning
so that the order can be completed on time. Use the CPM (critical path method)
and illustrate step-by-step how you plan to execute the project.
Answer :
Q3 ) Explain in brief the following:
Preparing an RFP (request for proposal)
Answer : A
request for proposal (RFP) is a document that an organization posts to elicit
bids from potential vendors, typically for the development of a business
component or system or the provision of a business service. For example, a business
in the start-up phase or one moving from a paper-based system might request
proposals for all the hardware, software, and user training required to
establish and integrate the new system into the organization.
Soliciting proposals
Answer : A
solicited proposal is when the customer asks for a proposal, an unsolicited
proposal is when you send them a proposal they haven’t even asked for.
proposals are usually sent to customers who issue a “Request for Proposal” or
RFP. When a customer wants something that is too complicated to pick up at the
store or order from a vendor, they often write down a description of it and
issue it as an RFP.
students get fully solved assignments
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