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N.B.: 1) Attempt any Eight Questions
2) All questions carries equal marks.
Q1 How would operations strategy for a service
industry be different if any from that for a manufacturing industry ? (Its an example & explain)
Answer : Consider
that any manufacturer could incorporate (bring inside) any service endeavor and
add that service to it's portfolio, either for internal use or for sale.
Alternatively, another manufacturing model is to outsource all work efforts to
design and build product where ultimately the holding company merely owns the
rights and the profits of the venture. The manufacturing model must provide a
horizontal spectrum of work efforts in support of the product-life-cycle within
the company community.
Q2 Consider the following two mutually
exclusive projects. The net cash flows
are given below If the desired rate of return is 10% which project should be
chosen ?
Answer : If we apply the NPV criterion, and risk adjusted discount rates, we
Net Present
NPV = - CFo + --------- + ---------- + ----------
+ ----------
+ r)^1 (1 + r) ^2 (1 +
r) ^3 (1 + r) ^4
Q3 What are the levels of aggregation in forecasting for a
manufacturing organization? How should
this hierarchy of forecasts be linked and used ?
Answer : In
demand planning terminology, Forecast Reconciliation is also referred to as
Bottom-up and Top-down Forecasting or Proportional Forecasting. Forecast
Reconciliation, however, could also stand for reconciling the demand forecast
with a modeled forecast vs. a judgmental forecast or a financial forecast.
we can reconcile
a top-down forecast and
Bottom-up forecast through aggregation and disaggregation
methodology. The second title is more direct in
Q4 How would forecasting be useful for operations in a
BPO (Business processes outsourcing) unit ?
What factors may be important for this industry ? Discuss .
Answer : Forecasting would be
very important for operations in a BPO unit. Forecasting, in essence, makes for
the ability to be proactive, intuitive and strategic, and it may very well be
the differentiating factor between success and failure. You can have cash-flow
forecasts, operating budget forecasts, call/e-mail/chat volume forecasts,
forecasts for attrition and absenteeism of
Q5 A good work study should be followed by good
supervision for getting good results.
Explain with an example.
Answer : In fact changing the order of the question can
make that more of the answer -- i.e. Good supervision leads a good work study
to get good results. I'll relate a personal experience.
In one of the
companies try to identifying the major problems, it was discovered that one of
the biggest problems was determining from the individual
Q6 What is
job evaluation ? Can it be alternatively used as job ranking ? How does one ensure that job evaluation
evaluates the job and not the man ?Explain with examples ?
Answer : Job evaluation, in my experience, is used to
measure the relative 'size' of jobs - which would indeed then enable them to be
ranked within a pay and grading structure. It is a good way for an organization
to minimize risk of equal pay claims as it is able to
Q7 What is the
impact of technology on jobs ? What are
the similarities between job enlargement
& job rotation ? Discuss the
importance of training in the content of job redesign ? Explain with examples ?
: Technology's hold on the modern workplace cannot be seriously
disputed. Since work stands at the core of vocationalism, few issues are as
important to vocational educators as technology. As indicated earlier,
technology might be a unifying theme in the
Q8 What is
an internet connectivity ? How is it
important in to days business would with respect to materials requirement
planning & purchasing. Explain with
examples ?
Answer : "Internet
connectivity" in the simplest terms means connection to the internet;
having a live website, being able to access/surf the web.
The internet has a global reach and millions of businesses around the world take advantage of that by maintaining and advertising their own little space on it -- their website. A website can be an informational tool, a marketing tool, an order processing tool, investor
The internet has a global reach and millions of businesses around the world take advantage of that by maintaining and advertising their own little space on it -- their website. A website can be an informational tool, a marketing tool, an order processing tool, investor
Q9 Would a project
management organization be different from an organization for regular
manufacturing in what ways. Examples.
Answer : A project management organization starts with
the projects and ends with the project. Maybe the same people will start
another project, maybe some of them will be different, but they do not belong
to the original project because it's finished.
A manufacturing organization works normally with programs, tasks that never end. Let me put you an example: Suppose you are going to manufacture T-shirts,
A manufacturing organization works normally with programs, tasks that never end. Let me put you an example: Suppose you are going to manufacture T-shirts,
Q 10 How project
evaluation different from project appraisal?
Explain with examples.
Answer : Appraisal and evaluation are essential parts
of good financial management. The general principles should apply to any
proposal - whether project, programme or policy related - with implications for
expenditure / use of resources.
effort that should go into appraisals and evaluations and the detail to be
considered is a matter of judgment.
Appraisal involves the preparation of
Pre-Expenditure Assessments (PEAs). PEAs must be undertaken for any proposal
with significant resource implications.
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