Course Code :
MS - 07
Course Title :
Information Systems for Managers
Assignment Code :
MS-07/TMA/SEM - II/2014
Coverage :
All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before
31st October, 2014 to the coordinator of your study centre.
1. Is Information Technology as vital to modern, global business as
money? Why or why not? Discuss some trends in IT development.
Answer : In the world of
globalization, Information system is such where data are collected, classified
and put into process interpreting the result thereon in order to provide an
integrated series of information for further communicating and analyzing. In a
progressively more spirited worldwide atmosphere, Information System plays the role
as ‘enabler and facilitator’, which endows with tactical values to the
officialdom and considerable step up to the excellence of administration. ‘An
Information System is a particular type of work system that uses information
technology to detain, put on the air, store, retrieve, manipulate or display
information, thereby partisan one or more other work structure’. In totting up
to taking sides assessment making, co-ordination and control, information
systemsmay also help managers and workers investigate problems, envisage
complex subjects and generate new merchandise or services. Information
technology has become the backbone of fortune 500 companies and many a great
wonders in medicine. The capabilities of information systems required depend on
the type of business. I am specifying information systems capabilities for
Professional Services.
Information technology has served
as a big change agent in different aspect of business and society. It has
proven game changer in resolving economic and social issues.
Advancement and application of information technology are ever
changing. Some of the trends in the information technology are as follows:
Cloud Computing
One of the most talked about
concept in information technology is the cloud computing. Clouding computing is
defined as utilization of computing services, i.e. software as well as hardware
as a service over a network. Typically, this network is the internet.
Cloud computing offers 3 types of
broad services mainly Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service
(PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).
Some of the benefit of cloud computing is as follows:
Cloud computing reduces IT infrastructure cost
of the company.
Cloud computing promotes the concept of
virtualization, which enables server and storage device to be utilized across
Cloud computing makes maintenance of software
and hardware easier as installation is not required on each end user’s
Some issues concerning cloud computing are
privacy, compliance, security, legal, abuse, IT governance, etc.
Mobile Application
Another emerging trend within
information technology is mobile applications (software application on Smart
phone, tablet, etc.)
Mobile application or mobile app
has become a success since its introduction. They are designed to run on
Smartphone, tablets and other mobile devices. They are available as a download
from various mobile operating systems like Apple, Blackberry, Nokia, etc. Some
of the mobile app are available free where as some involve download cost. The
revenue collected is shared between app distributor and app developer.
User Interfaces
User interface has undergone a
revolution since introduction of touch screen. The touch screen capability has
revolutionized way end users interact with application. Touch screen enables
the user to directly interact with what is displayed and also removes any
intermediate hand-held device like the mouse.
Touch screen capability is
utilized in smart phones, tablet, information kiosks and other information
The field of analytics has grown
many folds in recent years. Analytics is a process which helps in discovering
the informational patterns with data. The field of analytics is a combination
of statistics, computer programming and operations research.
The field of analytics has shown
growth in the field of data analytics, predictive analytics and social
Data analytics is tool used to
support decision-making process. It converts raw data into meaningful information.
Predictive analytics is tool used
to predict future events based on current and historical information.
Social media analytics is tool
used by companies to understand and accommodate customer needs.
The every changing field of
information technology has seen great advancement and changes in the last
decade. And from the emerging trend, it can be concluded that its influence on
business is ever growing, and it will help companies to serve customers better.
2. “MIS has become very important in modern organizations.” Explain
this giving suitable examples.
Answer : A management information
system (MIS) is an organized combination of people, hardware, communication
networks and data sources that collects, transforms and distributes information
in an organization. An MIS helps decision making by providing timely, relevant
and accurate information to managers. The physical components of an MIS include
hardware, software, database, personnel and procedures.
Management Information System in Restaurant
1. Management information is an
important input for efficient performance of various managerial functions at
different organization levels. The information system facilitates decision
making. Management functions include planning, controlling and decision making.
Decision making is the core of management and aims at selecting the best
alternative to achieve an objective. The decisions may be strategic, tactical
or technical. Strategic decisions are characterized by uncertainty. They are
future oriented and relate directly to planning activity. Tactical decisions
cover both planning and controlling. Technical decisions pertain to
implementation of specific tasks through appropriate technology. Sales region
analysis, cost analysis, annual budgeting, and relocation analysis are examples
of decision-support systems and management information systems.
There are three areas in the
organization. They are strategic, managerial and operational control.
(a) Strategic decisions are
characterized by uncertainty. The decisions to be made in the area of strategic
planning are future oriented and relate directly to planning activity. Here
basically planning for future that is budgets, target markets, policies,
objectives etc. is done. This is basically a top level where up-to-the minute
information on the food items ordered and breaks out percentages showing sales
of each item versus total sales is provided. The top level where strategic
planning is done compares the weekly sales totals versus food costs, allowing
planning for tighter cost controls. Executive support systems function at the
strategic level, support unstructured decision making, and use advanced
graphics and communications. Examples of executive support systems include sales
trend forecasting, operating plan development, budget forecasting, profit
planning, and manpower planning.
(b) The decisions to be made in
the area of managerial control are largely dependent upon the information
available to the decision makers. It is basically a middle level where planning
of menus is done and whenever an order is voided, the reasons for the void are
keyed in which later helps in management decisions, especially if the voids are
related to food or service. The managerial control that is middle level also
gets customer feedback and is responsible for customer satisfaction.
(c) The decisions to be made in
the area of operational control pertain to implementation of specific tasks
through appropriate technology. This is basically a lower level where the
waiter takes the order and enters it online via one of the six terminals
located in the restaurant dining room and the order is routed to a printer in
the appropriate preparation area. The item’s ordered list and the respective
prices are automatically generated. The cooks send ‘out of stock’ message when
the kitchen runs out of a food item, which is basically displayed on the dining
room terminals when waiter tries to order that item. This basically gives the
waiters faster feedback, enabling them to give better service to the customers.
Transaction processing systems function at the operational level of the
organization. Examples of transaction processing systems include order
tracking, order processing, machine control, plant scheduling, compensation,
and securities trading.
The information required to make
such decision must be such that it highlights the trouble spots and shows the
interconnections with the other functions. It must summarize all information
relating to the span of control of the manager. The information required to
make these decisions can be strategic, tactical or operational information.
Advantages of an online computer system:
Eliminates carbon copies
Waiters’ handwriting issues
Out-of-stock message
Faster feedback, helps waiters to service the
Advantages to management:
Sales figures and percentages item-wise
Helps in planning the menu
Cost accounting details
2. If the management provides
sufficient incentive for efficiency and results to their customers, it would
make the system a more complete MIS and so the MIS should support this culture
by providing such information which will aid the promotion of efficiency in the
management services and operational system. It is also necessary to study the
keys to successful Executive Information System (EIS) development and
operation. Decision support systems would also make the system a complete MIS
as it constitutes a class of computer-based information systems including
knowledge-based systems that support decision-making activities. DSSs serve the
management level of the organization and help to take decisions, which may be
rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance.
Improving personal efficiency,
expediting problem solving (speed up the progress of problems solving in an
organization), facilitating interpersonal communication, promoting learning and
training, increasing organizational control, generating new evidence in support
of a decision, creating a competitive advantage over competition, encouraging
exploration and discovery on the part of the decision maker, revealing new
approaches to thinking about the problem space and helping automate the
managerial processes would make the system a complete MIS rather than just
doing transaction processing.
3. The management system should be an open
system and MIS should be so designed that it highlights the critical business,
operational, technological and environmental changes to the concerned level in
the management, so that the action can be taken to correct the situation. To
make the system a success, knowledge will have to be formalized so that
machines worldwide have a shared and common understanding of the information
provided. The systems developed will have to be able to handle enormous amounts
of information very fast.
An organization operates in an
ever-increasing competitive, global environment. Operating in a global
environment requires an organization to focus on the efficient execution of its
processes, customer service, and speed to market. To accomplish these goals,
the organization must exchange valuable information across different functions,
levels, and business units. By making the system more formal, the organization
can more efficiently exchange information among its functional areas, business
units, suppliers, and customers.
As the transactions are taking
place every day, the system stores all the data which can be used later on when
the restaurant is in need of some financial help from financial institutes or
banks. As the inventory is always entered into the system, any frauds can be
easily taken care of and if anything goes missing then it can be detected
through the system.
3. Describe how IT facilitates recruiting, training and personnel
development and labour planning.
Answer : Given the unlimited uses
of Information Technology (IT), it is used in almost every department in an
organization. When it comes to human resource, IT helps in the all process from
recruiting to retire functions and it has greatly changed the way managers and
employees gain access to human resource data.
Few uses of IT on human resource management
Computers applications range from
recruiting on the internet to automatically scanning and storing applicants’
resumes. A growing number of firms as well as many universities and federal
government are already recruiting using the internet, World Wide Web and
commercial on-line services like CompuServe.
Employers are using IT as an aid
in recruiting in various other ways, too. For example, NEC Electronics, Inc.,
has internet based “Cyber Fairs” to recruit for applicants. The date and the
time of the fair, along with detailed job descriptions, are advertised in
advance by the employers and by the firms organizing the Cyber Fairs.
Many people have been recruited
through social networks like facebook. A business simply posts a job position
on its facebook page and its fans will apply, if any of them qualifies for the
position they will get that job. This process has also made human resource
management more social than ever.
Training and personnel development:
In order to develop the knowledge
and skill, computer-based training is given to the employees. Computers are
also used in different training programs to cope the rapid change in the
business environment. Computers are also used to provide practice to help
trainees learn materials such as grammar and basic mathematics. It is also used
to develop the problem-solving skills.
Technology will allow the team to
access required documents on every specific position via a decentralized
computer ”Database” and they will read through to understand every aspect. If
illustrations are required, the human resource manager can use a visual.
illustration to explain some points in details. This saves time and makes the
process easier.
Labour planning:
Information systems keep track of critical
employee data such as demographic information, job titles and Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC) identification codes. Storing this information in
an electronic database allows you to analyze it more easily when working on
recruitment strategies, progression planning and affirmative action programs.
HR reps can quickly run reports to determine items such as how many employees
were hired last year, average length of tenure and a breakdown of the employee
population by specified EEOC criteria such as gender and race.
4. Distinguish between information and knowledge. Develop an
information system for human resource department.
Answer : Information system for human resource department.
In most organizations,
information flows at the heart of workplace activities. The effective
management of information requires information technology, and that technology
is therefore crucial to organizational success .
Companies are different in terms
of their information needs, their existing technology and their commitment to
technology. They are also different in terms of their ability to afford
technology, the value they place on HR information, the size and culture of the
organization, and the human resources available to devote to a technology
Typically, organizations follow a
process to select an IS for HRD , as shown in Figure 3.7 The process can be divided into three steps:
(1) adoption phase, (2) implementation phase, and (3) institutionalization phase.
Adoption Phase
1. Needs analysis: It helps the
organization decide on what the system should be capable of doing and what the
technical specifications will be, and helps the organization develop an
information policy
about how the information should
be managed with respect to storage and access.
Needs analysis do at macro level as well as at the micro
(A) Human resource information macro Level
The Data base required for purpose of
making forecasts of manpower at the macro level is indicated in the table
mentioned below
a. Population statistics
b. Economic Parameters
c. Existing Technologies
d. Emerging Technologies
a. Age at entry age at exit.
b. Annual enrolment and outrun
c. Attrition rate
d. Retirement.
e. Migration
f. Mortality
With regard to data needs at the
micro level for a well-defined and detailed manpower information system within
the organization, the data modules and the particulars of information that each
such module should carry are noted below:
Data Module
What it should contain
Personal Data Module
Recruitment Module
Job experiences Module
Personal appraisal Module
Training and Development Module
Identification Particulars
Educational particulars
Technical qualification , if any
Special skills, if any
Date of recruitment
Grading in aptitude
Over all grading
Job preferences and choices
Placement history
Grade promotions
Tasks performed grade wise
Performance appraisal at each job held
Communication rating
Behavioural rating
Commitment to corporate goals
Nature of training received
Individual ‘s Evaluation of effectiveness of training
Current training assignments; if any
Future training requirement , if any
2. Company Background: The
industry, the size of the company, and the projected growth are important
elements to consider.
3. Management Considerations:
Typically, management would have some preconceived views regarding the type of
software and what they will require the system to do.
4. Technical Considerations Such
elements as hardware, operating systems, networking, databases, and
telecommunications all need to be considered.
5. HR Considerations: The
requirements of the HR function itself need to be assessed. What type of
daily requests and which employee
transactions would make the most sense to automate?
6. Pricing: Organizations want to
have the best possible system but might not be able to
afford all the “bells and
Implementation Phase
1. The company selects a project
team. This team typically comprises outside consultants who have the knowledge
and expertise on the technical side and also expertise in change management to
help the organization with the implementation.
2.The existing data are
“converted” into the new system, requiring the transformation of data from the
old system to make them compatible with the new system
3. The activities involved in
this phase focus on getting the system “up and running”
within a controlled environment so that the
system can be tested to ensure it is functioning as the organization requires.
4. The software is tested and
users are expected to provide feedback before the system goes “live.”
5. Major privacy concerns focus
on what type of information can be stored on the system. For example, should
personal medical histories be stored, who should have access to the computer
hardware and software, and who should have access to the databases and be
authorized to modify them?
Institutionalization Phase
The final step in implementing an
IS is to train the users on the system. The organization’s goal is for the
stakeholders to use the system and reap the benefits identified through the
needs analysis
5. Write short notes on following:
(i) Programmed decisions
Answer : A routine or repetitive
decision that can be handled by established business rules or procedures. These
types of decisions are often called for at certain points in a standard
process, and are decided based on recognized and easily identifiable factors.
Programmed decisions typically do not require much consideration or discussion,
and can generally be automated to ensure consistency and save time for
Information technology is
providing mangers with a wealth of decision making support including expert
systems, neural networks, groupware, and specific problem solving software.
Expert systems use software programs to encode the relevant experience of an
expert and allow a system to at like that expert in analyzing and solving
ill-structured problem. The essence of expert systems is that
(1) they use specialized knowledge about a
particular problem area rather than general knowledge that would apply to all
(2) they use qualitative
reasoning rather than numerical calculations and
(3) they perform at the level of
competence that is higher than that of non-expert humans. They guide users
through problems by asking tem a set of sequential questions about the
situation and drawing conclusions based on the answers given.
The conclusions are based on programmed rules
that have been modeled on the actual reasoning processes of experts who have
confronted similar problems before. Once in place, these systems allow
employees and lower level mangers to make quality decisions that previously
could have been made only by senior managers.
(ii) Emerging trends in convergence of IT
Answer : 21st century has been
defined by application of and advancement in information technology.
Information technology has become an integral part of our daily life. Advancement
and application of information technology are ever changing. Some of the trends
in the information technology are as follows:
1. Cloud Computing
One of the most talked about
concept in information technology is the cloud computing. Clouding computing is
defined as utilization of computing services, i.e. software as well as hardware
as a service over a network. Typically, this network is the internet.
Cloud computing offers 3 types of
broad services mainly Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service
(PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).
2. Mobile Application
Another emerging trend within
information technology is mobile applications (software application on Smart
phone, tablet, etc.)
Mobile application or mobile app has become a
success since its introduction. They are designed to run on Smartphone, tablets
and other mobile devices. They are available as a download from various mobile
operating systems like Apple, Nokia, etc. Some of the mobile app are available
free where as some involve download cost. The revenue collected is shared
between app distributor and app developer.
3. User Interfaces
User interface has undergone a
revolution since introduction of touch screen. The touch screen capability has
revolutionized way end users interact with application. Touch screen enables
the user to directly interact with what is displayed and also removes any
intermediate hand-held device like the mouse.
Touch screen capability is
utilized in smart phones, tablet, information kiosks and other information
The field of analytics has grown
many folds in recent years. Analytics is a process which helps in discovering
the informational patterns with data. The field of analytics is a combination
of statistics, computer programming and operations research.
Data analytics is tool used to
support decision-making process. It converts raw data into meaningful
Predictive analytics is tool used
to predict future events based on current and historical information.
Social media analytics is tool
used by companies to understand and accommodate customer needs.
The every changing field of
information technology has seen great advancement and changes in the last
decade. And from the emerging trend, it can be concluded that its influence on
business is ever growing, and it will help companies to serve customers better.
(iii) Intranet and Internet
Answer : A means of connecting a
computer to any other computer anywhere in the world via dedicated routers and
servers. When two computers are connected over the Internet, they can send and
receive all kinds of information such as text, graphics, voice, video, and
computer programs.
No one owns Internet, although
several organizations the world over collaborate in its functioning and
development. The high-speed, fiber-optic cables (called backbones) through
which the bulk of the Internet data travels are owned by telephone companies in
their respective countries.
The Internet grew out of the
Advanced Research Projects Agency's Wide Area Network (then called ARPANET)
established by the US Department Of Defense in 1960s for collaboration in
military research among business and government laboratories. Later
universities and other US institutions connected to it. This resulted in
ARPANET growing beyond everyone's expectations and acquiring the name
The development of hypertext
based technology (called World Wide web, WWW, or just the Web) provided means
of displaying text, graphics, and animations, and easy search and navigation
tools that triggered Internet's explosive worldwide growth.
Answer : Internal or private
network of an organization based on internet technology (such as hypertext and
TCP/IP protocols) and accessed over the internet. An intranet is meant for the
exclusive use of the organization and its associates (customers, employees,
members, suppliers, etc.) and is protected from unauthorized access with
security systems such as firewalls. Intranets provide services such as email, data
storage, and search and retrieval functions, and are employed in disseminating
policy manuals and internal directories for the employees, price and product
information for the customers, and requirements and specifications for the
suppliers. Some intranets are confined to a building whereas others span
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