MCS-051 ASSIGNMENT SOLUTION (2020-21)- ignou solved assignments 2021


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Q1. Define a scriplet and expressions in JSP ? Create a simple JSP page which includes declaration, scriplets, expressions and comments tag in it.

Answer : - 

Q2. Define authentication mechanism? Explain any two basic mechanisms through which a web client can authenticate a user to a web server using http authentication.

Answer : - Authentication is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it declares itself to be. Authentication technology provides access control for systems by checking to see if a user's credentials match the credentials in a database of authorized users or in a data authentication server.

HTTP authentication - HTTP

Q3. Create a LOGIN page using JSP and JDBC. Database is created in Oracle.

Answer : - 

Q4. Write a servlet program to fetch and display all the fields of student table having 10 records with field names as student name, enrollment number,email ID and grades achieved in TEE.,

Answer : - 


Q5. Define DTD. What is its use in XML?Write the DTD of an XML document that describe the bank account which has the following attributes :
Account number (mandatory)
Customer_id (can be multiple)
First name (mandatory)
Middle name (optional)
Last name (optional)
Account type (mandatory)
Balance (mandatory)

Answer : - A DTD (Document Type Definition) defines the structure and the legal elements and attributes of an XML document. There are two type of DTD : Internal DTD and External DTD



Q6. What is the purpose of message-driven beans and define its structure? Explain the various circumstances under which a message-driven bean should be used. What makes message driven beans different from session beans?

Answer : - 

Q7. Briefly explain any seven JSP implicit objects.

Answer : - 

Q8. What are Cookies ? Briefly explain the following methods of Cookie class :
(i) setMaxAge
(ii) setVersion
(iii) setDomain
(iv) setPath

Answer : - 

Q9. What is the need of web security ? Explain data integrity and system (7integrity in thecontext of web security.

Answer : - 

Q10. What are the advantages of using Java's multiple layer security implementation ? Explain with the help of an example program.

Answer : - 

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