MCS-041 ASSIGNMENT SOLUTION (2020-21)- ignou solved assignments 2021


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Q1. Assume you have the following jobs to execute with one processor :


Processing Time











All the processes arrived at the same time. Calculate the turnaround time, waiting time, average turnaround time, average waiting time, throughput and processor utilization for the above given set of processes shown in the table, with the length of CPU burst time given in milliseconds using FCFS, SJF, RR (with quantum 2) and SRTN scheduling algorithms. Also draw their corresponding Gantt charts.

Answer : -

First Come First Serve (FCFS)

Waiting Time = Starting Time - Arivel Time
Turnaround Time = Waiting Time +


Q2. What is a critical section problem? Using C programming, write a semaphore based solution for sleeping barber’s problem and explain the program.

Answer : - 


Q3. What is the need of Page Replacement? Consider the following reference string :

7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2, 1, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 4, 3

Find the number of page faults with FIFO, Optimal page replacement and Least Recently Used(LRU) with four frames which are initially empty. Check which algorithm gives the minimum no. of page faults?

Answer : - 

Q4. a) Give memory partition of 100K ,500K, 200K, 300K and 600K (in order).How would each of the first fit, best fit and worst fit algorithm place process of 212 K, 417 K, 112K, and 426 K(in order)? Which algorithm makes the most efficient use of memory?

Answer : - 

Q4. b) What is disk scheduling? Explain the C-SCAN scheduling by giving an example.

Answer : - File systems must be accessed in an efficient manner, especially with hard drives, which are the slowest part of a computer. As a computer deals with multiple processes over a period of time, a list of requests to access the disk builds up. For efficiency purposes, all requests (from all processes) are aggregated together. The technique that the operating system uses to determine which requests to satisfy first is called disk scheduling.

Q4. c) Explain the FCFS disk scheduling algorithm. Find out the no. of head movements for FCFS for a queue from 0-199 and current header is at 53.

92, 180, 35, 123,16, 121, 60, 65

Answer : - 

Q5. Discuss in detail the Process management, Memory management, I/O management and File management for the Android 10.0 Operating System.

Answer : - 

Q6. Lamport’s Bakery Algorithm provides a decentralised implementation of the “take a number” idea. Write and explain this algorithm for Distributed systems.

Answer :

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