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NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Financial Institutions and Market
Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2017 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
All Questions carry equal marks.
All Questions are compulsory
All answers to be explained in not more than
1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for question 3 in not more than 500 words
for each subsection. Use relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
All answers to be written individually.
Discussion and group work is not advisable.
Students are free to refer to any
books/reference material/website/internet for attempting their assignments, but
are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of reference.
Students should write the assignment in their
own words. Copying of assignments from other students is not allowed.
Question. 1. XYZ Ltd. is listed on NSE
& BSE. However the stock price of the Company is languishing for more than
a year. As a CFO of the Company you are required to make presentation to the
Board of the Company on various anomalies/ events that have impact on stock
price movements? Also explain in brief the EMH concept. (10 Marks)
Answer: Presentation is
necessary in order to make everyone understand your own point of view. Every
company needs proper presentation of the stock price movements in order to
understand the financial position of organization properly.
For this situation, XYZ Ltd. is recorded on NSE and BSE. However, the
stock cost of the Company is grieving for over a year. Being on the position of
a CFO of the Company, there is a prerequisite with the end goal of making
proficient introduction to the Board of the Company on different
irregularities/occasions that have affect on stock value developments.
Question. 2. PSL Ltd. is a textile manufacturing
Company with annual turnover of Rs. 1,200 Crores. The Company has decided to go
public to fund the future CAPEX plan. The Company is looking to raise about Rs.
500 Crores. As a CFO, discuss the process and method of listing of the shares
in the stock market. (10 Marks)
Answer: For this situation,
PSL Ltd. is material assembling Company with yearly turnover of Rs. 1,200
Crores. The Company has chosen to open up to the world to subsidize the future
CAPEX arrangement. The Company is hoping to be able to raise about Rs. 500
Crores. Being on the position of a CFO of the organization, it is the duty of
CFO to comprehend and expand insights with respect to process and technique for
posting of the offers in the share trading system.
For posting the offers in the
stock exchange, the overall public obliged association ought to submit Hedging
files. They are:
Question. 3. (a) You have joined LMH
Ltd. as CFO. The company has annual export turnover of Rs. 700 Crores. The
Company is expecting inflow of US$ 5 million in the month of April 2017. As a
CFO you have to guide the management to hedge the financial exchange risk. Explain
various hedging techniques. (5 Marks)
Hedging is a strategy by which
the risk is diminished; in any case, I'll underline that unless you offer a
position, all danger can't be slaughtered. Supporting can diminish most risk,
however as you will see, as a rule you wind up trading one peril for another.
Moreover, see that Hedging is
usually a passing method to secure whole deal positions. It may similarly be
utilized to complete an arbitrage trade. Regardless, you never need to apply a
whole deal Hedging strategy to a transient position, as that would be extreme
and incorporate more dangerous as time goes on.
Here are five major Hedging
techniques that you'll
(b) Indian financial system and
financial market are witnessing a fast paced liberalization over past few
decades. In light of these changes, as a CEO of a new E- commerce Start up,
briefly explain various financial services/ payment options that you can offer
to all your customers? (5 Marks)
Answer: Payment systems are the ways that your customers can pay
for your items and endeavors. It respects consider what payment methods you
will offer when you start your business and moreover discontinuously after you
start it.
When starting your business,
you'll need to pick how you will assemble payment from your customer as part
directing of your business reserves.
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