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Spring 2017
1 Write short notes on:
a. Production Management
b. Objectives of Operations Management
c. Reverse Engineering
d. Production Planning and Control
Answer: a) Production Management
The domain of Production and Operations Management
(POM) is not only limited to the production of goods and services, but it also
comprises all the activities that are related to the process of production. The
term ‘production’ is applicable to entities like manufacturing units,
machinery, equipment, assembly lines, etc. Fundamentally, it is linked to
manufacturing. In the past, focus was on manufacturing management, which
2 What is the purpose of sales forecasting? Explain
following methods of time series analysis for forecasting:
a. Simple average method
b. Moving average method
c. Exponential smoothing
d. Trend projections
Answer: Purpose of Sales Forecasting
The essentiality and significance of sales
forecasting can be summarized as follows:
(i) It determines the scale of production
and its rate.
(ii) It lays a base for a variety of
budgets like production, labour, material, etc.
(iii) It provides inputs on the need
3 What do you mean by Operation Strategy? Discuss
various operations strategies in services.
Meaning of Operation Strategy
Operation strategies in services
Answer: Meaning of Operations Strategy
Strategy means a planned methodology to complete a
given job. Since we are talking about business strategy, we mean to adopt and
execute all skills, techniques and procedures for achieving the aims and
objectives of the corporate body. Broadly speaking, the first step is to
identify the objective and formulate the policy plan. The next step is to collect
the resources and do all that is necessary to convert the plan into reality.
Business strategy means to plan and execute the working culture of all the
units and departments for the
4 Define materials management and state its
importance and functions.
Definition of material Management
Importance of Material management
Functions of Material management
Answer: Definition of Materials Management
Materials management can be defined as controlling,
organizing and managing materials/stock so that it guarantees the maximum
return for a business. It involves determining the purchase, location, storage,
account-keeping and transportation of stock (planning of moving stock through
various processes of manufacturing, warehouses and
5 What is PERT? Explain the applications and
advantages of PERT.
Definition of PERT
Application of PERT
Advantages of PERT
Answer: PERT or project evaluation and review
technique was developed for the US Navy’s Polaris missile project in the late
1950s. This was a massive project involving over 3,000 contractors. Because
most of the activities had never been done before, PERT was developed to handle
uncertain time estimates of the various jobs or activities
Q6. Define Work Measurement and state its
objectives and techniques.
Definition of Work Measurement.
Objectives of Work Measurement
Techniques of Work Measurement.
Work Measurement is a technique to find out the
time required to do any activity at a predetermined level of performance by a
qualified worker. In other words, it is a technique to develop time standards
for the
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