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NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: OrganisationBehaviour
Assignment Marks: 30
All Questions carry equal marks.
All Questions are compulsory
All answers to be explained in not more than
1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for question 3 in not more than 500 words
for each subsection. Use relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
All answers to be written individually.
Discussion and group work is not advisable.
Students are free to refer to any
books/reference material/website/internet for attempting their assignments, but
are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of reference.
Students should write the assignment in their
own words. Copying of assignments from other students is not allowed
Question. 1. Every individual perceives
the world in his/her own way. It is generally seen that everyindividual has its
own idea about good/bad, right/wrong. One might find any activity tobe right
and other might find it wrong. The decision is based on how one perceives
it.Discuss with appropriate examples what perception is and what are the
factorsinfluencing the same (Perception) (10 Marks)
Answer:Cultural relativism wrongly asserts that every culture has
its own particular unmistakable yet similarly legitimate method of recognition,
thought, and decision. Social relativism, the inverse of the thought that
ethical truth is widespread and objective, battles there is no such thing as
outright good and bad. There is just good and bad as indicated by the ethical
code of every general public. Inside of a specific culture, a standard of good
Question.2.It is said that leadership
has nothing to do with the designation. A person sitting on thetop level does
not necessarily demonstrate leadership skills whereas his subordinate
canpossess immense leadership skills & qualities. In order to support the
statement discussthe qualities / skills required to be a leader (10 Marks)
Answer:Leadership is both an examination range and a handy expertise, in regards
to the capacity of an individual or association to "lead" or guide
different people, groups, or whole associations. Disputable perspectives are
available in the writing, among Eastern and Western ways to deal with
initiative, furthermore inside of the West, on US versus European
methodologies. In US scholarly situations authority is characterized as "a
Question.3.Ananya& Rick work in the
same organization and in the same designation. Both havejoined at the same time
and have similar work experience. Later Rick came to knowthat he was paid less
salary than Ananya, knowing that he started dumping his work onher desk and
behaved in a very unpleasant manner with her. The conflict which wasbetween
them could be sensed by the entire team. Ananya came to know the reasonfrom one
of the Rick’s close associate. She is now thinking about the methods
throughwhich she can resolve the conflict.
a. What kind of conflict was between
Ananya&Rick. Discuss the same withsuitable concepts & reasons. (5
Answer:In the realm of business, the nearness of contention can be a significant
issue that needs quick consideration. In the event that labourers in your
little business show up not to be collaborating as helpfully as you might want,
take part in some contention determination to cure this issue. By proposing a
collection of straightforward methodologies, you can help your labourers in
putting these times of contention behind them.
Ananya and Rick work in the same association
b. How can the conflict be resolved or
managed by Ananya. Discuss (5 Marks)
Answer:Whenever we
interface with someone else, some of our needs and objectives are compatible
with theirs and some are incongruent ... An irreconcilable situation exists
when the activities of one individual endeavoring to amplify his or her needs
and advantages, piece, meddle with, harm, or somehow make less compelling the
activities of someone else endeavoring to boost his or her needs or advantages.
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