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NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Management Theory and Practice
Assignment Applicable for June 2016 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
All Questions carry equal marks.
All Questions are compulsory
All answers to be explained in not more than
1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for question 3 in not more than 500 words
for each subsection. Use relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
All answers to be written individually.
Discussion and group work is not advisable.
Students are free to refer to any
books/reference material/website/internet for attempting their assignments, but
are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of reference.
Students should write the assignment in their
own words. Copying of assignments from other students is not allowed
Question. 1. XYZ Co. is criticized for
following “Taylorism” in its organization. You are appointed as aconsultant by
the Government to research and suggest improvements. Point out your
possiblefindings and suggest measures to improve. (10 marks)
Answer:Taylorism, is a hypothesis of management that breaks down
and blends work processes. Its fundamental target is enhancing monetary
proficiency, particularly work efficiency. It was one of the soonest endeavours
to apply science to the building of procedures and to management.
Its improvement started in the
United States with Frederick Winslow Taylor in the 1880s and '90s inside of the
assembling businesses. Its crest of impact came in the 1910s; by the 1920s, it
was still compelling however had gone into rivalry and syncretism with
restricting or corresponding thoughts.
Albeit exploratory management as
an unmistakable hypothesis or school of believed was out-dated by the 1930s, a
large portion of its subjects are
Question. 2.It is found that your organization
is facing the problem of increasing conflicts which highlightsthe conflict
between administrative action and cultural values. Discuss this basic conflict
andsuggest the measures for improvement. (10 Marks)
Answer:To act as morally mindful experts, medical attendants by and
by, management, or the educated community need to recognize what morals is, is
not, and how morals fits with related areas, for example, ethical quality,
religion, office approach, and law.
With an end goal to encourage
moral appearance in nursing, and to grow analysing moral issues, this paper
will briefly delineate profound inceptions of the space of morals, including:
the historical backdrop of the enhancement of human social orders and
societies, religious and philosophical customs, business, the development of
countries, laws and government regulations, proficient codes, groups, families
and other mingling
Question. 3.You, as an owner of a medium
enterprise, have been following a paternalistic style of leadershipsince the
inception of the company. Now that there are new employees in your company,
youare finding it difficult to reconcile your attitude and their approach. Now
you are consideringthe other leadership styles to be used to solve this
problem. In this background answer thefollowing questions.
a) Which leadership styles, you think,
are relevant for being considered here? And why?(5 marks)
Answer:Management style is a pioneer's style of giving guidance, actualizing
plans, and rousing individuals. There are a wide range of management styles
that can be displayed by pioneers in the political, business or different
Paternalistic: The way a Paternalistic
pioneer works is by going about as a father figure by dealing with their
subordinates as a parent would. In this style of initiative the pioneer
supplies finish sympathy toward his devotees or laborers. Consequently he gets
the finish trust and unwaveringness of his kin. Specialists under this style of
pioneer are relied upon to end up completely dedicated to what the pioneer
accepts and won't endeavor off and work autonomously. The relationship between
these associates and pioneer are to a great degree strong. The specialists are
relied upon to stay with an organization for a more drawn out timeframe due to
the reliability and trust. Not just do they treat each other like family inside
the work drive, yet outside as well. These specialists can go to each other
with any issues they have in regards to something in light of the fact that
they have faith how say is going to
b) Do you think whether there is one
best leadership style? If yes, which and justify yourchoice. (5 marks)
Answer:Authoritarian: The
tyrant initiative style keeps primary accentuation on the qualification of the
dictator pioneer and their devotees, these sorts of pioneers make a point to
just make a particular expert relationship. Coordinate supervision is the thing
that they accept to be entering in keeping up an effective situation and
devotee deliver. Tyrant initiative styles regularly take after the vision of
those that are in control, and may
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