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NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Strategic Management
Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2016 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
All Questions carry equal marks.
All Questions are compulsory
All answers to be explained in not more than
1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for question 3in not more than 500 words
for each subsection. Use relevant examples, illustrations as far aspossible.
All answers to be written individually.
Discussion and group work is not advisable.
Students are free to refer to any
books/reference material/website/internet for attempting theirassignments, but
are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of reference.
Students should write the assignment in their
own words. Copying of assignments from otherstudents is not allowed.
Question. 1. If your Company has decided
to enter a highly competitive market, as the strategicmanager of a product,
what challenges you will face to establish your product/service inthat market?
(10 Marks)
1) Providing the ROI of Your
Marketing Activities: Measuring the ROI (degree of profitability) of your
advertising exercises was the top promoting challenge, as per the 2015 State of
Inbound report. Be that as it may, it's a basic route for advertisers to
comprehend the viability of every specific promoting effort, bit of substance,
and so on.
With regards to giving ROI,
there's a solid case to be set aside a few minutes and assets to set up
connections between showcasing exercises and deals results. This implies
utilizing both advertising programming (like HubSpot) and a CRM arrangement
(like HubSpot's free CRM), and after that entwining them to close the circle
between your showcasing and deals endeavors. That way, you can specifically
perceive what number of leads and
Question.2. Briefly explain the
Strategic Management Process in your organization. Explain anyincident when
your organization has made strategic decision due to competition faced inthe
market. (10 Marks)
Strategic Management Process implies characterizing the association's
methodology. It is likewise characterized as the Process by which chiefs settle
on a decision of an arrangement of systems for the association that will
empower it to accomplish better execution.
Question.3. Recently an Auto mobile
company was charged for flouting environment norms. Whatwill be your strategy
as a CEO for the following:
a)How to handle the crisis as person on
a strategic position. (5 Marks)
Answer:Emergency Management
is the procedure by which an association manages a noteworthy occasion that
undermines to hurt the association, its partners, or the overall population.
The investigation of emergency Management started with the vast scale
mechanical and ecological catastrophes in the 1980s. It is thought to be the
most critical procedure in advertising.
Three components are normal to an emergency:
(a) a risk to the association,
(b) the component of shock, and
b)What long term strategic changes will
you like to bring in your company, from thelearning from the incident (5 Marks)
Answer:We can bring five initiative skills which encourage
hierarchical rebuilding and strategic change during and after crises.
Building a domain of trust
Reforming the association's mentality
Identifying clear and cloud vulnerabilities of
the association
Making savvy and fast choices and additionally
making valiant move
Learning from Crisis to impact change.
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