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Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks
questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by
evaluation scheme.
1 Discuss the various stages involved in the
methodology of Operations Research. Briefly explain the techniques and tools of
Operations Research.
Answer :
The basic dominant characteristic feature of operations research is that it
employs mathematical representations or models to analyse problems. This
distinct approach represents an adaptation of the scientific methodology used
by the physical sciences. The scientific method translates a given problem into
a mathematical
2 a. Explain the steps involved in linear
programming problem formulation. Discuss in brief the advantages of linear
Answer :
The procedure for mathematical formulation of a linear programming problem
consists of the following major steps:

b. Alpha Limited produces & sells two
different products under the brand names black & white. The profit per unit
on these products in Rs. 50 & Rs. 40 respectively. Both the products employ
the same manufacturing process which has a fixed total capacity of 50,000
man-hours. As per the estimates of the marketing research department of Alpha
Limited, there is a market demand for maximum 8,000 units of Black & 10,000
units of white. Subject to the overall demand, the products can be sold in any
possible combination. If it takes 3 hours to produce one unit of black & 2
hours to produce one unit of white, formulate the model of linear programming.
A company has three operational departments (weaving, processing,
and packing) with a capacity to produce three different types of clothes -
suits, shirts, and woollens, yielding a profit of Rs.2, Rs.4, and Rs.3 per
meter respectively. One meter of suiting requires 3 minutes of weaving, 2
minutes of processing, and 1 minute of packing. Similarly, one meter of
shirting requires 4 minutes of weaving, 1 minute of processing, and 3 minutes
of packing. One meter of woollen requires 3 minutes in each department. In a
week, total run
3 a. What is degeneracy in transportation
problem? How it can be resolved?
Answer : A basic solution to an m-origin, n
destination transportation problem can have at the most m+n-1 positive basic
variables (non-zero), otherwise the basic solution degenerates. It follows that
whenever the number of basic cells is less than m + n – 1, the transportation
problem is a degenerate one.
The degeneracy can develop in two ways:
Case 1 - The degeneracy develops while
determining an initial assignment via any one of the initial assignment methods
discussed earlier. To resolve degeneracy, you must augment the positive
variables by as many zero-valued variables as is necessary to complete the
required m + n – 1 basic variable. These zero-valued variables are selected in
such a manner that the resulting m + n – 1 variable constitutes a basic
b. Solve the following transportation problem
using Vogel’s approximation method. Factories Distribution Centres Supply

Answer :
Computation/Solution to the problem
total demand = 135 = total supply, the problem is balanced. The initial basic
feasible solution is obtained by Vogel’s approximation method.
4 a. Explain the steps in Hungarian method.
Differentiate between Transportation and Assignment problem.
Answer : Steps in Hungarian method
method algorithm is based on the concept of opportunity cost and is more
efficient in solving assignment problems. The following steps are adopted to
solve an AP using the Hungarian method algorithm.
Step 1:
Prepare row ruled matrix by selecting the minimum values for each row and
subtract it from the other elements of the row.
b. Find the optimal assignment of four jobs
and four machines when the cost of assignment is given by the following table:

Answer :
5 Define Simulation. Explain the Simulation
procedure. Discuss the use of Simulation with an example.
Answer : Simulation is the imitation of the
operation of a real-world process or system over time.[1] The act of simulating
something first requires that a model be developed; this model represents the
key characteristics or behaviors/functions of the selected
6 Explain the following:
a. Integer programming model
Answer : Integer
programming is concerned with optimization problems in which some of the
variables are required to take on discrete values. Rather than allow a variable
to assume all real values in a given range, only predetermined discrete values
within the range are permitted. In most cases, these values are the integers
giving rise
b. PERT and CPM
Answer : Project management is
an important part of every business enterprise. Whenever a new product or
service is launched; when embarking on a marketing campaign; or when organizing
any new projects; project management is needed to make everything organized and
As all projects consume resources
such as
c. Operating Characteristics of a Queuing
Answer : Characteristics
of a queuing system that impact its performance, for example, queuing
requirements of a restaurant will depend upon factors like:
How do customers arrive in the restaurant? Are
customer arrivals more during lunch and dinnertime (a regular restaurant)? Or
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