Master of
Business Administration – MBA Semester 1
MB0041 –
Financial and Management Accounting – 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1130)
Set – 2 (60 Marks)
Q4). Explain
the essential features of budgetary control?
Essential Features Of Budgetary Control
An effective budgeting system should have essential
features to get best results. In this direction, the following may be
considered as essential features of an effective budgeting.
Business Policies defined:
The top management of an organization strives to have
an action plan for every activity and for each department. Every budget should
reflect the business policies formulated from time to time. The policies should
be precise and the same must be clearly defined. No ambiguity should enter the
document. Clear knowledge should be provided to all the personnel concerned who
are going to execute the policies. Periodic suggestions should be called for.
Forecasting: Business forecasts are the foundation of
budgets. Time and again discussions should be arranged to derive the most
profitable combinations of forecasts.
Better results can be anticipated based on the sound
forecasts. As far as possible, quantitative techniques should be made use of
while forecasting
Formation of Budget Committee: A budget committee is a
group of representatives of various important departments in an organization.
The functions of committee should bes pecified clearly. The committee plays a
vital role in the preparation and execution of budget estimated. It brings
coordination among other departments. It aids in the finalization of policies
and programs. Non-financial activities are also considered to make it a
wholesome affair.
Accounting System: To make the budget a successful
document, there should be proper flow of accurate and timely information. The
accounting adopted by the organization should be proper and must be fine-tuned
from time to time
Organizational efficiency: To make the budget
preparation and its subsequent implementation a success, an efficient, adequate
and best organization is necessary a budgeting system should always be
supported by a sound organizational structure. There must be a clear cut
demarcation of lines of authority and responsibility. There must also be a
delegation of authority from top to bottom line.
Management Philosophy: Every management should set a
healthy philosophy while opting for the budget. Management must wholehear4tedly
support the activities which developing a budget. Encouragement should flow
from top management. All the members must be involved to make it a workable
preposition and a dream-driven document.
Reporting system: Proper feed back system should be
established. Provision should be made for corrective measures whenever
comparative measures are proposed.
Availability of statistical information: Since budgets
are always prepared and expressed in quantitative terms, it is essential that
sufficient and accurate relevant data should be made available to each
Motivation: Since budget acts as a mirror, the entire
organization should become smart in its approach. Every employees both
executive and non-executives should be made part of the overall exercise.
Employees should be persuaded than pressurized to appreciate the benefits of
the budgets so that the fruits can be shared by all the members of the
Q5). Briefly
describe labor mix variance and yield variance.
Ans: Labour Mix Variance
This variance arises only when different types of
workers (women and men workers, trained, semi-trained and untrained workers,
are employed in manufacturing. If actual working force of different grades of
workers is not in the pre-determined ratio, then the mix variance will occur.
The variance shows to the management as to how much of the labor cost variance
is due to the changes in the composition of labor force. It is calculated as
LMV = (Revised standard hours – actual hours worked) x
standard hourly rate Shorten (RSLH – ALH) x SR
Where revised standard hour = total time of actual
worker / total time of standard workers x standard labor rate.
Illustration: The labor budget for a week is as
40 skilled men at Rs.1.50 per hour for 80 hours
80 unskilled men at Re.1 per hour for 80 hours
Actual labor force was used are given below;
60 skilled men at Rs.1.50 per hour for 80 hours
60 unskilled men at Re.1 per hour for 80 hours
Calculate labor mix variance.

Labour Yield Variance
This is due to the difference in the standard output
specified and the actual output obtained. The formula is as follows:
LYV = (Actual output – Standard output) x standard
cost per unit
Illustration: Actual output 460 units. Standard output
500 units. Standard rate of wages is Rs.9 per hour. The Standard time is 2 hour
per unit.

Q6). How is
standard costing related to budgetary control?
Ans: Standard Costing Vs Budgetary Control
Similarities between Standard Costing & Budgetary
Both budgetary control and standard costing are
important management tools of planning and control. They achieve same objective
viz. proper allocation and utilisation of the resources. They use predetermined
values and are feed forward process. They also serve as feed back systems by
making possible the comparison of actual performance and desired performance.
An organisation would benefit most from its control system when it uses both
standard costing and budgetary control.
Standard costing and budgetary control are
complementary. Standards are needed to establish budgets. Particularly the
manufacturing budgets would be more effective if they are based on standards
for materials, labour and overhead. Similarly, the budgeted level of output
should be known in determining standard overhead costs. Although budgetary
control and standard costing are interrelated and function better when used
together, yet they are not interdependent. One can be used without the other.
But the best results will be achieved if both are used together.
Differences between budgetary control and standard
1.Scope: Budgetary control and standard costing differ
in their scope. Budgetary control is used in all aspects of business and
includes estimates of revenues as well as expenditures. Thus, budgets are
prepared for activities such as production, purchase, sale and distribution,
capital expansion, cash flows, research and development etc. Standard costing
is generally confined to manufacturing costs alone.
2.Concept: A conceptual difference between budgetary
control and standard costing is that standard cost is a unit concept and
budgeted cost is a total concept. It may be helpful to think of a standard as a
budget for the production of a single unit. A strict distinction between
standard performance and budgeted performance, however, is not made by many
companies, in practice.
3.Emphasis: Budgetary control puts more stress on the
level of activity and the related cost level which should be attained if the
firm is to perform as planned. Standard costing, on the other hand, lays
emphasis on cost reduction.
4.Application: Standard costing is a systematic
approach to attain cost control. Direct material and direct labour are
continuously controlled with the help of standard costs. Overhead costs consist
of innumerable small items and therefore, it is not practical to have an elaborate
control system for each one of them. Overhead costs can be controlled
periodically with the use of budgetary control. Thus, departmental overhead
budgets are constructed to control overhead costs.
Q1). Compute
the cash flow from operating activities
Cost of goods sold
Sales including cash sales
Office expenses
Profit on sale of land
Selling expenses
Interest on investment
Loss on sale of plant
Goodwill written off
Income tax
Net Profit


The following extract refers to a commodity for the half year ending 31st March
2008. Prepare a cost statement.
Purchase of raw materials
1, 20,000
Direct wages
1, 00,000
Rent, rate, insurance and
Works expenses
Opening stock
Raw materials
Finished goods (1000 units)
Work in progress:
4, 800
Closing stock:
22, 240
16, 000
raw material
F. Goods (2,000 tons)
Carriage inwards
1, 440
3, 00,000
Cost of factory
Advertising, discounts allowed and selling
costs Re.1 per ton sold. Production during the year is 16,000 tons. Prepare a
cost sheet.

*To be valued only at number of units sold.
Opening stock of finished goods + production minus closing stock = Number of
units sold.
** Always to be valued at number of units
sold. Number of units sold x Selling price per
Q3). Avon
garments Ltd manufactures readymade garments and uses its cut-pieces of cloth
to manufacture dolls. The following statement of cost has been prepared.
Readymade garments
Direct material
Rs. 80,000
Rs. 6,000
Rs. 86,000
Direct labour
Variable overheads
Fixed overheads
Total cost
Profit (loss)
The cut-pieces used in dolls have a scrap
value of Rs 1,000 if sold in the market. As there is a loss of Rs. 1,000 in the
manufacturing of dolls, it is suggested to discontinue their manufacture.
Advise the management.
Discontinue manufacture of dolls
Readymade garments
Total cost
Profit (loss)
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