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Spring 2013
Post Graduate Diploma
in Human Resource Management
Semester 1
MU0011 - Management
and Organisational Development - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1726)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Each main question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. (a) What is Organisational development (OD)? (5 marks)
Answer : What is organisation development?
Organisation Development is a
growing field of Human Resource Management. It has its foundations in a number
of behavioural and social sciences. OD practitioners are unashamedly humanistic
in their approach to change management and delivering sustainable
organisational performance.
In the context of this factsheet,
we define organization development (OD) as ‘planned and systematic approach to
enabling sustained organisation performance through the involvement of its
people’. Behind this definition lies a depth of research and practice, but also
(b) What are the characteristics of OD? (5 marks)
Answer : Organisational
Development (OD) can be described as the systematic process to change the
culture, system and behaviour of organization. It is process that helps in
solving organizational problems and achieving organizational objectives.
Organisational Development works as important mechanism that helps in
impressing the organization and its employee through planned and established
system. It
Q2. What is the role of OD professional in organisations? (10 marks)
Answer : AIMS
1. This policy aims to set out a
framework for effective organisational development. Outcomes will include:
a. an enhanced ability to meet
University strategic goals;
b. development of leadership
Q3. Describe the levels of diagnosis in organisations. (10 marks)
Answer : Organizational diagnostics
In the field of Organizational
Development there are many activities and disciplines. One of those is the area
of organizational diagnosis and the use of structured organizational diagnostic
The effective diagnosis of
organizational culture, and structural and operational strengths and weaknesses
are fundamental to
Q4. Write short notes on Team Development Interventions. (10 marks)
Answer : Teambuilding Interventions
On a complex, multi-year ERP
implementation, one or more of the ERP project teams could experience problems
with working relationships, lack of alignment, poor communication among members,
or poor levels of trust among team members with competing agendas. In some
instances, these team problems can continue to the point of threatening key
project milestones and thus risk the success of the ERP project.
Q5. Explain the impact and benefits of Technology in Organisations.(10
Answer : The impact of information technology on the office has been a topic of
interest for many years. Vinegar Bush first wrote about it in 1945 when he
argued that machines could function as an extension to human memory and he
proposed a machine that he called a Meme.
These early attempts to imagine
the future use of information technology in the modern office were often
accurate and we can see many of the tools that were imagined in the past
existing in today’s offices. Discussion today on the
Q6. Write a brief note on Emerging Trends in OD. (10 marks)
Answer : In the view of my company Schouten Training,
the trainings we provide are part of a larger picture. The overall question we
want to answer is: how to create high performing organizations? This is what we
call: ‘Results with People’. Our bottom line improvements are based on a mix of
training, (executive-) coaching, and consulting. Together, we call this
‘Organizational Development’: implementing hands-on,
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