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Master of Business
Administration- MBA Semester 3
MK0013 –Marketing
Research - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B 1223)
Assignment Set -1 (60
Note: Assignment Set -1 must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all
Q1.Explain the marketing audit in detail.
10 marks(350-400 words)
Answer : What is
a Marketing Audit?
The marketing audit is basically
a structured analysis and review of your current marketing activities carried
out through an examination of
Q2.Describe consumer research process in detail. 10
marks(350-400 words)
Answer : Companies conduct marketing research with
consumers to better understand their needs and determine customer satisfaction
levels. Consumer research is particularly crucial when a company decides to
market a new product. The company must determine the potential success of the
product by asking consumers for
Q3.What do you mean by data collection? Also explain the various types
of data collection techniques.
10 marks(350-400 words)
Answer : Essentially, collecting
data means putting your design for collecting information into operation. You’ve decided how you’re going to get
information – whether by direct observation, interviews, surveys, experiments
and testing, or other methods – and now you and/or other observers have to
implement your plan. There’s a bit more
to collecting data, however.
Q4.What do you mean by Marketing Decision Support System(MDSS)? Also
explain the various components of MDSS.
10 marks(350-400 words)
Answer : Marketing decision support system (MDSS)
A system used to manipulate a
collection of data to interpret and explore potential business scenarios in
order to make
Q5.Write a short notes on:
A. Projective techniques of qualitative research
Answer : Qualitative marketing
research is a set of research techniques, used in marketing and the social
sciences, in which data is obtained from a relatively small group of
respondents and not analyzed with inferential statistics. This differentiates
it from quantitative analyzed for statistical significance.
B. Latest techniques of qualitative research 5 + 5 = 10 Marks(200 -
250 words each)
Answer : The main methods employed in qualitative research are
observation, interviews, and documentary analysis
In seeking to explore the natural
scene, the qualitative researcher aims to be as unobtrusive as possible, so
that neither research presence nor methods disturb the situation. This is why
participant observation is one of the favoured approaches. Here, the researcher
adopts a recognised role within the institution or group. Researchers
Q6.Explain the methodology of primary data collection. 10 marks(350-400
Answer : Primary data are always
collected from the source. It is collected either by the investigator himself
or through his agents. There are different methods of collecting primary data.
Each method has its relative merits and demerits. The investigator has to
choose a particular method to collect the information. The choice to a large
extent depends on the preliminaries to data collection some of the commonly
used methods are discussed below.
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