Brand Management - - XIBMS solved papers


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Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies



Subject Title: Brand Management                                                                          

                                                                                                                                                      Maximum Marks: 80           




1. Attempt any 5 questions. All questions are for 16 Marks.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.


Q.1 (a) Explain the eight different questions that a product manager needs to

answer to analyse current and potential customers. Explain each question

with the help of a product category.


 (b) Differentiate between potential and forecast. What are the objectives

behind estimation of (i) market potential and (ii) sales forecasting?

Explain any two methods of estimating (i) market potential and (ii) sales



Q.2 (a) Define competitor. Explain the four bases of competition and four levels

of competition. Supplement your answer with example(s).


 (b) Explain the three major factors in assessing the underlying attractiveness

of a product category.


Q.3 What are the benefits of a successful marketing strategy? Which are the

seven parts of a marketing strategy of a product? Explain the first five

parts of this strategy with an example, in detail.


Q.4 (a) What do brands mean to you? What roles does a brand play for a

manufacturer and a consumer? With examples, explain the different

challenges a brand manager faces today.


 (b) Choose a brand having its origin in India. Explain how it can be assessed

on the basis of Customer Based Brand Equity (CBBE) model.


Q.5 (a) Pick a product or service category basically dominated by two main

brands. Evaluate the positioning of each brand. Who are their target

markets? What are the main points of parity and points of difference?


 (b) Select a brand and identify all its brand elements that contribute towards

development of its brand equity. Explain the role of each element towards

development of brand equity of that brand.


Q.6 (a) If you had to launch a fast food restaurant in your city or town, what kind

of marketing programmes will you design to build strong brand equity of

the fast food restaurant?


 (b) Choose a brand and identify all its marketing communication materials.

How effectively has the brand mixed and matched the marketing

communication material?


Q.7 (a) Define brand equity management system. Explain the three steps of

implementing brand equity management system.


 (b) Enlist the quantitative and qualitative research techniques to identify

potential sources of brand equity. Explain any one in detail.


Q.8 (a) Define brand product matrix. Select a firm having multiple brands and

product categories and then identify its brand product matrix. Explain

breadth of a branding strategy?


 (b) Define brand extension. Explain the steps to be undertaken for

successfully introducing brand extensions.


Q.9 (a) Give reasons for companies to market their brands globally. Explain the

disadvantages of global marketing programmes.


 (b) With examples, explain how global brands implement the strategies of

localization and standardisation.



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