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: Marks
: 80
:Masters in Business Administration (MBA 4 Sem)
: Business Communication

Answer the following question.
Write Short notes on Hand Shake (10 marks)
Answer : A good
handshake not only makes you look more professional, but it could influence an
important business decision, such as whether you strike a big deal or get a new
job. The proper grip and hand position are essential to good handshake
etiquette, but so is the rest of the body. Do not forget global
etiquette--other cultures may add something like a kiss on the cheek or have a
different way of shaking.
etiquette refers to the practice of observing social norms designed to show
courtesy to other people in a professional setting. Handshakes are a standard
greeting, and create one of the first impressions you make on a stranger.
Q2. What is the time
honored conventions for conducting Interviews? (10 marks)
Answer : The personal interview is your chance to really get
to know your prospective employees. You’ll be delving deeper into the skills
and requirements you’ve noted on the resumé and phone screening. Mostly, the
interview allows you to get a sense of the intangibles, such as passion,
initiative, goals, cultural fit, attitudes, and communication skills.
The world of job search has changed dramatically over the years. It’s rare to
find your next position in a newspaper wanted ad, and social media is an
indispensable tool for both identifying opportunities and establishing
credibility with
Q3. Explain the
process of Conduct of meeting (10 marks)
Answer : Communicating in a meeting is an essential part of
effective communication. Some meetings are not conducted in an efficient manner
due to which they fail in accomplishing the sole objective of the meeting. It
may be because:
- They
do not involve participation of all, or
- They
may be too long, or
- They
may be unsystematic, or
- They
may lack a clear agenda, or
- They
may not begin on the planned
State some Strategies to overcome Stage fear (10 marks)
Answer : Even
the most confident performers can suffer from stage fright. Stage fright is
common for everyone from Broadway actors to professional presenters. If you
have stage fright, then you may start to feel nervous, shaky, or even
completely debilitated at the thought of performing in front of an audience.
But don't worry -- you can overcome your stage fright by training your body and
mind to relax and trying a few tricks. If you want to know how to overcome
stage fright, just follow these steps. Before you read, make sure that you know
it helps if you have somebody perform with you. Or it also helps if you have a
lot of your close friends in the audience.
Why do listening barriers succeed? (10 marks)
Answer : 1.We
receive no formal training in listening
Sure, we have a lifetime of listening to draw upon as a learning
experience, but there are no formal training classes for listening. At school,
we learn how to read and write and even speak, but listening is a skill we are
just expected to pick up.
Consider that we take reading in one form or another as a class in
elementary, middle and high schools, either called Basic Language or English
Composition. We learn to write in the beginning of our elementary school career
and then have writing throughout middle and high school and even college.
Write notes on Listeners Related Barriers (10 marks)
Answer : There are many things that get in the way of listening and you
should be aware of these barriers, many of which are bad habits, in order to
become a more effective listener. Barriers and bad habits to effective
listening can include:
Trying to listen to more than one conversation at a time, this includes
having the television or radio on while attempting to listen to somebody talk;
being on the phone to one person and talking to another person in the same room
and also being distracted by some dominant noise in the immediate environment.
List the measures to overcome Communication barriers. (10 marks)
Answer : Measures
to overcome the barriers to effective communication are: 1. Clarify the Ideas
before Communication 2. Communicate According to the Need of Receiver 3.
Consult others before Communicating 4. Be aware of Language, Tone and Content
of Message 5. Convey Things of Help and Value to Listeners 6. Ensure Proper
Feedback 7. Communicate for Present as well as Future 8. Follow up
Communications 9. Be a Good Listener!
Explain two way process of Communication with diagrammatical representation (10
Answer : Two-way communication occurs when the receiver sends response
or feedback to sender’s message. In two-way communication process, the sender
first transmits the message to the receiver. After receiving a message, the
receiver decodes it and then sends back his or her reaction to the sender.
In two-way communication, information flows in two-ways:
information form sender to receiver and response from receiver to sender. So it
is regarded as the complete communication process.
Two-way communication may
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