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Name : UMER MUQUTHER S A Marks : 80
Course : Specialisation
Subject :Sales Management
Answer the following question.
Case 1
(20 Marks)
Auckland Engineering plc Jim Withey, sales
manager for Auckland Engineering plc, a wellestablished engineering company
based in the Midlands, had been contemplating the memo he had received two days
earlier from his newly appointed marketing director.
Memo To: J Withey, sales manager From: D C
Duncan, marketing director Date: 16 January 2008 Subject: Preparation of annual
marketing plan You will recall that, at our series of preliminary meetings to
discuss future marketing plans for the company, I suggested that I was unhappy
with the seemingly haphazard approach to planning.
Accordingly, you will recall it was agreed
between departmental heads that each would undertake to prepare a formal input
to next month’s planning meeting. At this stage, I am not seeking detailed
plans for each product market, rather I am concerned that you give some thought
to how your department can contribute to the planning process. Being new to the
company and its product/markets, I am not entirely up to date on what has been
happening to the market for our products, although as we all know our market
share at 3.5 per cent is down on last year. I would particularly like to know
what information ‘our department could contribute to the analysis of the
To help you in your own analysis I have
summarized below what I feel came out of our first planning meetings.
• Business definition. It was agreed that
the business needs redefining in customer terms. An appropriate definition for
our company would he as follows: ‘Solutions to engine component design and
manufacturing problems.’
• Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats, i.e. SWOT analysis. The main strengths of our company are as follows.
— We have excellent customer awareness and
an image of reliability and quality.
— Our sales force is technically well
— Our manufacturing flexibility is second
to none. We can respond quickly and effectively to individual customer needs.
Our main weaknesses are as follows.
— Our prices are approximately 10 per cent
above the industry average.
— We are spending a far higher proportion
of our turnover on advertising than some of our main competitors.
— Our sales force is not skilled in
generating new leads. Major opportunities are as follows.
— Some of our major competitors are having
difficulty keeping their customers because of quality and delivery problems.
Buyers in the industry seem particularly prone to switching their suppliers.
— Recent legislation in the industry means
that our research and development programme on the new TDIX component with its
emphasis on lower exhaust emission levels, should prove advantageous.
— Recent and forecast trends in the
exchange rate should help our export marketing efforts. Major threats are shown
— Our largest customer is threatening to
switch to another supplier because of our higher average prices.
— Apart from the TDIX programmer, we have
not been keeping pace with the rapid technological change in the industry.
— Some of our major export markets are
threatened by the possibility of import restrictions.
• Objectives. Financial.To increase our
return on capital employed by 5 per cent after taxes.
— Our net profit in the forthcoming year to
be £2.0 million. Marketing.
— Sales revenue to be increased to £18
million in the forthcoming year.
• Marketing strategy. Target markets.
— Major manufacturers of diesel engines
worldwide. Positioning.Highest engineering quality and aftersales service in
the supply of specialist lowvolume diesel engine components.
I would of course welcome your comments on
my analysis of the situation, together with ‘our views on the appropriateness
of the objectives I have set. In addition, for the next meeting, I suggest that
as sales manager you give some thought as to where the relative emphasis should
be placed in our promotional effort. As I have already mentioned in my summary
of our preliminary meetings, we seem to be spending an excessive amount on
advertising compared with our competitors. Perhaps you could appraise me of
your thoughts on this, as I understand that you were instrumental in raising
our advertising budget from 3 per cent to 5 per cent of our turnover last year.
As you are well aware, from a limited budget we must decide where to place the
relative emphasis in our promotional mix. Perhaps, you would indicate what you
feel are the major considerations in this decision.
Answer the following question.
Give a brief outline of the ways in which you as sales manager can contribute
to the marketing planning process atAuckland Engineering.
Answer:The basic methodology of business planning is identifying causes and
effects, according to your relevant business requirements (financials and
ethics) and strategic drivers (what we are actually aiming to achieve).
Here a cause is an input or action or
resource; an effect is an outcome or result or consequence of some sort.
We want to achieve xyz effect (for example a
given return on investment, or a certain sales level or market share, whatever)
- so what should we plan to cause this to happen?
Looking at Mr. Duncan’s analysis of your previous meetings, what
issues/problems do you see which are ofparticular relevance to the activities
of the sales force?
Answer:If a company has workers who understand what round means, and a customer
who agrees, the problems the company may have had satisfying the customer will
Let’s look at another example where
operational definitions improve understanding within the company. In this example
we measure a variable (sales), so we use the second type of operational
How would you respond to Mr. Duncan’s comments on the promotional mix and, in
particular, to his commentsabout the level of advertising expenditure?
Answer:Product promotion is critical for every business due to the lasting
impact promotion has on the clients. The promotion mix is essentially what
promoting entails as well as how promoting is effectively done. It comprises
personal selling, advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and direct
marketing. Using the right blend of the promotional mix ensures that a business
will continue gaining customers and achieving success in both the short and
long run.
1. Personal Selling
What is the point in conducting a SWOT analysis?
Answer:Conducting a SWOT analysis of your business is a lot more fun than it
sounds. It won’t take much time, and doing it forces you to think about your
business in a whole new way.
The point of a SWOT analysis is to help you
develop a strong business strategy by making sure you’ve considered all of your
business’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats
it faces in the marketplace.
Case 2
(20 Marks)
Swish flow Ltd.—Hiring Salespeople “Why two
out of five salespersons have resigned within six months of joining the
company?” asked marketing director to the sales manager, Sunil Kumar, of Swish
flow Ltd. “I think, there is something wrong with our staffing process,”
responded Sunil Kumar, without knowing the real reasons for the turnover of
salespeople. Swish flow Ltd started manufacturing and marketing consumer
durables like fans and water purifiers for household consumers and commercial
firms in 1993. The sales and marketing office was located in Mumbai, the
commercial capital of India. Swish flow was a newly established company and for
its first year of operations, the company decided to recruit five salespersons
to cover major metros and cities of Maharashtra. The staffing process included
the sales manager deciding the job qualifications of salespersons based on what
he learnt in the MBA programmer. The administration manager was asked to place
the advertisement in the local newspapers. The resumes of applicants were forwarded
to Sunil Kumar, who screened the same and sent interview calls to about ten
applicants. The interviews were conducted by Sunil Kumar and the marketing
director and the selected candidates were given the appointment letters. Some
of the candidates had a problem of finding suitable residence, but the company
policy did nor provide any consideration for the same. Sunil Kumar conducted
oneweek training programmer and generally guided the new Salespersons, who
reported to him directly. There was a delay in the receipt of the fans front
the factory, located at Baroda in Gujarat. During this period of three months,
Sunil Kumar was asked to conduct market surveys and look after advertising
function of the entire group. He asked the salespersons to collect market
information on various other products like water purifiers, power tillers, and
so on in which the group was interested to diversify. During this period, two
salespersons suddenly stopped coming to work, after collecting their salaries
of the previous working month.
Answer the following question.
What improvements do you suggest in the staffing process followed by the
Answer:It has been debated many times, but the question of whether recruitment
is best done with internal or external resources can only be answered at an
organizational level, based upon a cost-benefit analysis.
When doing this analysis, consider which
method of recruitment scores higher on the following metrics:
· Quality of hire
Was Sunil Kumar right in getting market surveys done by the new salespersons?
Answer:Companies that hire salespeople would be wise to increase both the length
and quality of training to show them how to sell effectively, according to a
2012 Salesperson Onboarding Survey that polled more than 500 sales management
executives and business leaders. A whopping eight out 10 respondents are not
satisfied with how long it takes their new salespeople to get up to speed.
Case 3
(20 Marks)
Plastic Products Ltd Plastic Products Ltd
is a company that produces and markets plastic cups, teaspoons, knives and
forks for the catering industry. The company was established in 1974 in
response to the changes taking place in the catering industry. The growth of
the fastfood sector of the market was seen as an opportunity to provide
disposable eating utensils which would save on manpower and allow the speedy
provision of utensils for fast customer flow. In addition, Plastic Products has
benefited from the growth in supermarkets and sells consumer packs’ through
four of the large supermarket groups. The expansion of sales and outlets has
led Jim Spencer, the sales manager, to recommend to Bill Preedy, the general
manager, that the present sales force of two regional representatives he
increased to four. Spencer believes that the new recruits should have
experience of selling fastmoving consumer goods since essentially that is what
his products are. Preedy believes that the new recruits should he familiar with
plastic products since that is what they are selling. He favors recruiting from
within the plastics industry, since such people are familiar with the supply,
production and properties of plastic and are likely to talk the same language
as other people working at the firm.
Answer the following question.
What general factors should be taken into account when recruiting salesmen?
Answer:Every small business owner knows her company's productivity and
profitability depend on the quality of workers she employs. Recruiting the
right employees is a great responsibility that can't be taken too seriously.
Consider certain factors when recruiting your ideal staff members. Look for
employees with a balanced combination of people and work skills who can work
well with you, other employees and customers.
Education: The education background of your potential employee is important. Check
for a degree or completion of classes that complement your
Do you agree with Spencer or Preedy or neither?
Answer:The simple answer is that i will agree to neither of them.
Spencer, who throughout her marriage had
accommodated herself to her husband, as well as suffering the flagrancriesof
two not very amenable daughters, had doubtless enjoyed the years with Preedy,
who had accommodated herself entirely to her.
Distinguish between the job description and the personnel specification. For an
industry of your choice, write asuitable job description and personnel
specification for a salesperson.
Answer:job description vsspecificationIn our earlier article, we discussed the
difference between Job Analysis and Job Description. Job Description is derived
from Job Analysis, in the same way, Job Specification is the output of Job
Description. Job Description is a statement which explains the essential needs
of a job. On the other hand, Job Specification is a statement which states the
least qualifications, required in the job holder for the performance of a
particular job.
Discuss the role of psychological testing in the selection process for
Answer:Hiring and training new employees can be an expensive process. To help
keep turnover to a minimum, some companies employ psychological testing to
ensure that potential employees are suitable before hiring them. Psychological
tests, however, are not only used during the hiring process. Some companies use
these tests to monitor the continued suitability of employees who have been on
the job for some time.
Case 4
(20 Marks)
C. G. Engineering Company Achieving Quotas
Ashok Desai was transferred from western region, where he worked as area sales
manager of CQ Engineering Company, to eastern region as regional marketing
manager —industries. He was told by the company’s general manager (Sales) that
he was transferred from western region to eastern region to set things right,
as eastern region was not performing well on sales and profits. Ashok’s main
responsibilities were to manage effectively 11 sales engineers and achieve the
sales volume and contribution (to profits) quotas. For Ashok, not only the
industrial customers but also the sales engineers were new.
The sales engineers were compensated based
on straight salary and perquisites like house rent allowance and medical
reimbursement. There was no incentive scheme. The territory of eastern region
consisted of states of West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, and Orissa. Ashok felt that
the sales engineers were not covering the market adequately and were not
following any system of routing and scheduling. He also thought that sales
people were spending more time in travelling and less time in selling
activities. After talking to sales engineers individually, he got an impression
that most of them were not motivated, as they were not given adequate freedom
of operations and recognition whenever they got good orders. Ashok thought that
there was a good scope of applying what he had learnt in the management
institute and achieve superior results as expected by the general manager (Sales).
Answer the following question.
Question.1. If you were Ashok, what would you do to
achieve the sales volume and contribution quotas?
Answer:The variable compensation portion of your sales compensation plan can be
made up of three components: commissions,
bonuses and performance awards.
Commissions are earnings tied to sales.
The more sales your sales representative makes, the more commissions the
sales representative earns. Bonuses are
earnings tied to pre-defined goals. You
may pay bonuses for surpassing quota, achieving target product levels or
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