MU0010 – Manpower Planning and Resourcing

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MU0010 – Manpower Planning and Resourcing

Q1. Define the term ‘manpower planning’. Explain the need for manpower planning. What are the advantages of manpower planning? (Definition of manpower planning, Need for manpower planning, Advantages of manpower planning) 3, 3, 4

Definitions of manpower planning
According to K. F. Turkmen manpower planning can be defined as an attempt to match the supply of people with the jobs available in an organization. Statistical techniques have been used to ascertain the supply of people with the jobs available. Bruce Coleman has defined manpower planning as “the process of determining manpower requirements and the means for meeting those requirements in order to carry out the integrated plan of the organization”. Some website

Q2. What do you mean by manpower forecasting? Why is it necessary? Explain the types of manpower forecasting. (Meaning of manpower planning, Necessity of forecasting, Explanation of the types of manpower forecasting) 2, 2, 6

Meaning of manpower planning
Manpower planning is very essential for continued existence of the business. It is a process in which the HR department tries to understand their strength of current manpower and prepares for the future. Effectiveness of Manpower planning is to hiring the right number of people at the right place and at the right time for doing the right things. Effective manpower

Q3. The latest trend in recruitment is the ‘E-Recruitment’. Write a brief note on this ‘E-recruitment’. (Meaning and example of e-recruitment, Kinds of e-recruitment, Online recruitment techniques, Advantages and disadvantages) 2, 2, 3, 3

The buzzword and the latest trend in recruitment is the “E-Recruitment” or “Online recruitment”. In this internet based tools are used to assist the recruitment processes. E.g.:, careers section of the organization website etc. Many big and small organizations are using Internet as source of recruitment. They advertise job

Q4. Explain the necessity and types of induction. (Necessity of induction, Types of induction) 3, 7
Necessity of induction
The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) recommends that your induction programme should include:
  • An introduction to your

Q5. Define talent engagement. Why is it important? What are the driving factors of talent engagement? (Definition of talent engagement, Importance of talent engagement, Driving factors of talent engagement) 4, 3, 3

Talent Engagement
Talent engagement is the concept which explains the degree to which talent (employee) is emotionally bonded to his organization and passionate about his work. Talent engagement is the level of commitment and involvement a person has towards his organization and its values. An engaged talent (employee) is well aware of the organizations business context, and how to work with colleagues to improve performance in his/her job and thereby benefit the organization.

Talent engagement forms a

Q6. Describe such employee exit process and operational responsibilities. Differentiate between exit surveys and exit interviews. (Explanation of employee exit process, Operational responsibilities in exit process, Difference between exit surveys and exit interviews) 3, 3, 4
Employee Exit Process
The employee who wants to resign will discuss with his Manager, submits his resignation to his Manager. The Manager should put his comments on the resignation letter and forward it to HR. (these comments can be To be relieved by did/mm/icy, or some other special comments)HR on receipt of the Resignation letter, enters in the software, the date of receipt of resignation letter, terms and conditions of resignation if any special is there. and comments of Manager, the payroll changes are made accordingly as per the relieving date decided, the software generates the receipt of

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