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FOUNDATION’S Maharashtra Govt. Reg.
No.: F-11724

SUBJECT : Business Environment
Total Marks: 80
N. B.: 1)Attempt any Four Questions
2)All questions carries equal marks.
1.Give a block diagram in establishing the design and quality standards of
technology recipient site?
Answer:The Data Encryption Standard
(DES) and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) are block cipher designs that
have been designated cryptography standards by the US government (though DES's
designation was finally withdrawn after the AES was adopted). Despite its
deprecation as an official standard, DES (especially its still-approved and
much more secure triple-DES variant) remains quite popular; it is used across a
wide range of applications, from ATM encryption to e-mail privacy and secure
remote access. Many other block ciphers have been designed and released, with
considerable variation in quality. Many have
2. Business decision making and the impact of the macro-environment, Discuss?
Answer:There are two kinds of external
marketing environments; micro and macro. These environments’ factors are beyond
the control of marketers but they still influence the decisions made when
creating a strategic marketing strategy.

Micro Environment Factors
3. Give the constitution of SEBI Board and explain SEBI functions?
Answer:Securities Exchange Board of
India (SEBI) was set up in 1988 to regulate the functions of securities market.
SEBI promotes orderly and healthy development in the stock market but initially
SEBI was not able to exercise complete control over the stock market transactions.
was left as a watch dog to observe the activities but was found ineffective in
regulating and controlling them. As a result in May 1992, SEBI was granted
legal status. SEBI is a body corporate having a separate legal existence and
4. Write a note on socio-cultural environment of Business Write a note on
socio-cultural environment of Business?
Answer:The social environment consists
of the sum total of a society's beliefs, customs, practices and behaviors. It
is, to a large extent, an artificial construct that can be contrasted with the
natural environment in which we live.
society constructs its own social environment. Some of the customs, beliefs,
practices and behaviors are similar across cultures, and some are not. For
example, an American traveling to Britain will find many familiar practices but
not so much if traveling to China.
social environment created by a society-at-large in which a business functions
can be referred to as its external social environment. If a business operates
in a multicultural society, then the social external social environment is even
more complicated
5. Discuss how the environment acts does as a stimulant to business. Analyze
why business often does little for the preservation of physical environment
despite the fact that it is significant for business activity?
Answer:A good environment is a
constitutional right of the Indian Citizens. Environmental Protection has been
given the constitutional status. Directive Principles of State Policy states
that, it is the duty of the state to 'protect and improve the environment and
to safeguard the forests and wildlife of the country'. It imposes Fundamental
duty on every citizen 'to protect and improve the natural environment including
forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife'.
India, the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) is the apex administrative body for :-
regulating and ensuring environmental protection;
formulating the environmental policy framework in the country;
undertaking conservation & survey of flora, fauna, forests and wildlife;
planning, promotion, co-ordination and
6. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of FDI. What is your opinion on
the role of FDI in the Retail Sector? Justify your views with India's
experience in this sector?
Answer:FDI stands for Foreign Direct
Investment. When a foreign investor wants to incorporate a company in India or
wants to invest in an existing company then such a transaction is known as a
Foreign Direct Investment.
is the principle of the law governing FDI in India?
of the first questions which needs to be answered is what is the principle
underlying the law of FDI in India. In other words, is the approach towards FDI
an 'exclusive' one wherein the law prescribes the sectors/industries in which
FDI is allowed and the ones in which it is not allowed?
is it an 'inclusive' one wherein FDI is allowed in general but only certain specified
sectors/industries/types of entities are not allowed to have FDI? As FEMA is an
enabling Act, it is the latter scheme of legislation which it follows i.e.
there is a general permission for all types of entities to invest in most
sectors in India and if the Government wants to put some restrictions /
conditions on such investments, then the onus is on
7.Discuss the Third plan (1961-66)?
Answer:The third plan report stated
that during the five-year period, the Indian economy, “must not only expand
rapidly, but at the same time become self-reliant and self-generating.”
An increase in national income of more than 5% annually. The investment pattern
laid down must be capable of sustaining this growth rate in the subsequent
An increase in the agricultural produce and to achieve self-sufficiency by
increasing food-grain production.
Expansion of basic industries, the aim being to
8. Give any three critical elements of economic environment of Business?
Answer:From the standpoint of both the
corporate business management and national economic management in India, the
following may be highlighted as the critical elements of the economic
environment of business:
The institutional framework of the
environment: The philosophy and practice of an
economic system will, to a large extent, determine the relative roles and
responsibilities of the private sector, the public sector, the joint sector
The physical framework of the environment: The
level of
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