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PROGRAM- MBA (Sem 4), MBADS (Sem 4 / Sem 6), PGDHSMN (Sem 2)

SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MH0059 – Quality Management in Healthcare Services

BOOK ID- B1323

CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Discuss the dimensions of quality management in healthcare. 10
Answer: Dimensions of Quality Management in Healthcare: Healthcare quality has several dimensions like reporting, documentation, quantity of or access to care, patient satisfaction, reputation, clinical processes, utilisation, review and medical necessity determinations. By observing the quality of care laws and metrics, and how they relate to these eight dimensions of quality, healthcare professionals can plan to achieve and retain a high-

Q2. Explain the tools used for quality improvement in healthcare services. 10

Answer: Tools for quality improvement: The preparatory phases of quality improvement involve several steps using a number of different tools. Eight quality tools are available to help organisations to better identify and improve their processes. The essential tools for the discovery process are:

·         Check Sheet

Q3. Describe the various phases in implementation of Six Sigma. 10
Answer: The Six Sigma Concept: Quality control engineers have used a number of statistical tools to analyse processes. Six Sigma is a name derived from concepts associated with a standard bell-shaped curve. Almost anything varies, if you measure with enough precision. Statisticians describe patterns of variations with a bell-shaped or Gaussian curve. If the items being measured vary in a continuous manner, one finds that variation

Q.4: Explain the steps followed in implementation of QMS in healthcare organization.
Explanation of steps followed in implementation of QMS in healthcare organization


Explanation of steps followed in implementation of QMS in healthcare organization:
A Quality Management System (QMS) can be expressed as an organisational structure: procedures, processes and resources

Q.5: Define total quality management. Discuss the importance of TQM in healthcare.
Definition of total quality management
Explanation of importance of TQM in healthcare


Definition of total quality management:
TQM is a management philosophy that focuses on customer satisfaction and organisation objectives for long-term success of a

Q.6: Explain team processes in healthcare.
Definition of team processes in healthcare
Explanation of various factors of team process
Explanation of team process techniques


Definition of team processes in healthcare:
Team processes in healthcare refer to the aspects of a team dealing with leadership, communication, decision making, and member and team learning. Each of these factors has an important effect on the effective working of

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PROGRAM- MBA (Sem 4), MBADS (Sem 4 / Sem 6), PGDHSMN (Sem 2)

SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MH0058 – Legal Aspects in Healthcare Administration

BOOK ID- B1322

CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Define medical ethics. List the principles of medical ethics and outline the important guidelines and documents in medical ethics. (Definition, Listing the principles, Important guidelines and documents in medical ethics) 1, 2, 7
Answer: Medical ethics: Medical ethics is defined, as a civil code of behaviour considered correct by members of the profession for the good of both the patient and profession. This trust goes beyond written words and leads the public at large to expect of the doctor to have not only a high standard of medical ability and skill but The doctor – patient relationship is considered to be fiduciary in nature i.e. it is based on mutual trust and

Q2. Discuss accountability in healthcare. Add a note on vicarious liability. 6, 4
Answer: Accountability to patients: A medical practitioner owes the patient he is treating a duty of care and is hence, accountable to the patient firstly. Therefore in cases of medical negligence, the patient has to establish that there was sufficient proximity between him and the doctor. This duty of care is established once a doctor starts to administer treatment to the patient, irrespective of remuneration. This duty of care is also owed to the patient by the hospital or treating institution, thereby making the hospital accountable to the patient by what is termed as

Q3. Discuss the important aspects of Consumer Protection Act. 10
Answer: Important aspects of Consumer Protection Act:

1.      The right to safety: This is the right to be protected against products, production processes and services, which are hazardous to health or life. The right to safety has been broadened to include the concern for consumers’

Q.4: Define abortion. Explain medical termination of pregnancy act in detail.
Definition of abortion
Explanation of MTP act


Definition of abortion:
Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by any method (spontaneous or induced) before the foetus is sufficiently developed to survive independently. Abortion may be classified into various categories depending upon

Q.5: Explain the regulatory requirements in setting up and running a blood bank.
Explanation of the important regulatory requirements in setting up and running a blood bank.


Explanation of the important regulatory requirements in setting up and running a blood bank.
National Blood Policy: Government of India published in the year 2002 the National Blood Policy. The objective of

Q6. Define and classify euthanasia. Add a note on living wills. 1, 2, 7
Answer: Definition: Euthanasia is traced back to the Greek word, “euthanatos” which means “good death”. It can be defined as an "intentional killing by an act/ omission of person whose life is felt not to be worth living." The above definition has potential for numerous loopholes especially concerning the specific definition of the term “person” which can include any and everybody and is not solely restricted to patients. The term "euthanasia" encompasses a gamut of acts ranging from lethal injection to withholding

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SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MH0057 – Management of Healthcare Human Resources

BOOK ID- B1321

CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Explain the strategic role of HRM in healthcare. 10
Answer: Strategic role of HRM in healthcare: The strategic role of HRM is related to the organisational use of employees to gain a competitive advantage against competitors. The process of strategic HRM involves aligning initiatives regarding how people are managed with organisational mission and objectives. In healthcare organisations, highly trained and dedicated employees are often the competitive key for the organisations as they contribute in building the

Q2. Explain the evolution and broad perspectives of HRM in healthcare in India. 6, 4
Answer: Evolution of HRM in India: HRM in India has come a long way and it is deeply rooted in almost all the organisations. The evolution of HRM in India can be traced along the following broad phases.

·         Revolution of the industries.
·         Unionism in trade.
·         Social responsibility era.
·         Scientific management era.
·         Human relations

Q3. Discuss management development in healthcare organisations. 10
Management development is the process to enhance the skills and capacity of managers and professionals for individual and organisational benefits. Management development considers the role of managers and the ways in which they can expand their responsibilities to take on larger roles.

Q.4: Define performance appraisal. Explain the components of performance appraisal.
Definition of performance appraisal
Listing the components of performance appraisal
Explanation of the components of performance appraisal


Definition of performance appraisal:
Performance appraisal is the process of obtaining, analysing and recording information about the relative worth of an employee.

Q.5: Describe HR audit process.
Mentioning the phases of HR audit process
Explanation of various phases
Mentioning the components of HR audit process
Explanation of the components


Mentioning the phases of HR audit process:
The HR audit process consists of three different phases. Each phase is aimed at building upon the previous phase. This is to ensure that the organisation will have a good overview of the developments in the HR functions.
The three phases consist of ten steps as mentioned below:
1.      Initial

Q.6: Discuss the importance of team work in healthcare services.
Essentials of team work
Strategies for effective team building and trust
Mc Grehor’s approach to team building

Essentials of team work:
There are certain essentials of team work which are advisable, it is given below:
·         A leader for the team

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DRIVE- Spring 2016

PROGRAM- MBA (Sem 4), MBADS (Sem 4 / Sem 6), PGDHSMN (Sem 2)

SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MH0056 – Public Relations & Marketing for Healthcare Organizations

BOOK ID- B1320

CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Explain the concept of service and marketing. Discuss the steps involved in healthcare marketing process.
(Explanation of concept of service, Explanation of concept of marketing Explanation of all the steps involved in healthcare marketing process) 2, 2, 6
Concept of service

The widespread interest to manage and market services effectively has opened doors for stressing on service characteristics. The service characteristics include inseparability of production from intangible behavior of services.
The service characteristics are referred as:
·         Services are people-based rather

Q2. Discuss the various steps involved in marketing research.
(Explanation of all the steps involved in marketing research) 10
The various stages or steps in the marketing research process are discussed below:
1. Identification and Defining the Problem:
The market research process begins with the identification “of a problem faced by the company. The clear-cut statement of problem may

Q.3: Describe the types of public relations research.
Explanation of primary research
Explanation of secondary research


Explanation of primary research:

Primary research
Primary research involves carrying out a complete original study. The two primary research techniques are as follows:
§  Qualitative
§  Quantitative

Q.4: Discuss the current scenario of medical tourism in India.
Explanation of medical tourism
Explanation of present situation of medical tourism
Advantages of medical tourism


Explanation of medical tourism:
The medical tourism provider collects information about the treatment, estimated cost, duration of stay along with the list of hospitals and tourist destinations from the doctors and consultants and sends it across to the patient who is seeking

Q.5: Discuss the future of healthcare marketing.
Brief outline of healthcare marketing
Explanation of future of healthcare marketing


Brief outline of healthcare marketing:
Healthcare marketing management is the process of understanding the needs and wants of the target market. Consumer protection and satisfaction are the core concepts of marketing. Healthcare marketing deals with the marketing of healthcare

Q.6: Discuss the standard metrics to evaluate public relations in healthcare.
Key factors of PR measurement and evaluation
Explanation of various PR evaluation components

Key factors of PR measurement and evaluation;

The key factors to be considered while focusing on the PR measurement and evaluation are:
§  To establish flawless programmed objectives and desired outcomes to measure results. For this, the PR goals must be linked directly with the overall goals of business programm

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