Software Management

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PART A (80 Marks)

ACE is a premier real estate consultancy involved in real estate dealingsfor top notch companies in the country. As ACE is growing, the supportstaff at ACE offices is growing in numbers. The management at ACErealises the need for dedicated collaboration across its different officesspread across the country. The human resource department at ACE worksin a distributed fashion. The Head Office of ACE has the core HR team andthe regional offices have supporting HR staff along with supporting stafflike site supervisors, accountants, legal executives and customer support.In all, there are 500 ACE employees spread across the country withalmost 1500 telephone lines connecting them. The existing emailingsystem facilitates communication and collaboration partially. Keeping inconsideration the case above, the management at ACE decides to get asoftware application developed to cater to the collaboration requirementof ACE.ACE head office has an in-house technical team who have been taking care of the IT requirements till now. This team is known as the ‘InternalSystem’ in ACE. Mr. Sharma, one of the Vice Presidents in SeniorManagement chose Ms. Mary D’Souza from the Internal System teamasthe project manager for this assignment. Ms. Mary needs to co-ordinatewith all the regional offices in the country to develop the software. Shewould need inputs from all offices to decide the functionalities of thisapplication. This application would integrate the existing email facility andensure that there are many more features which support the collaborationneeds of the organisation.Mr. Sharma briefs Ms.Mary of the above mentioned problem statementand the possible solution. Followed by this, Ms.Mary is instructed to dothe needful.

Based on the above case, answer the following questions:
1. Prepare a business case
2. Draft the feasibility report
3. Identify the stake holders involved in this project with their suitablerole and responsibilities
4. Under what circumstances can Ms.Mary outsource this work?
5. Identify few known quality principles/policies that can be implementedwhile developing this project.

Rakesh has been just assigned as the project manager to developaccounting software for a firm based in a country which has been hostile for quite for sometime. Rakesh has been deployed in the customer’s country with an initial team consisting of three members. Rakesh meetsthe customer Mr. David and starts the requirement gathering process. Mr.David recommends a team of 10 people from his company to facilitate therequirements gathering process. Rakesh with his three team membersconducts the requirements gathering phase and comes with a roughestimate of the development time in weeks for the five modules that havebeen identified.

Development Time (in Person Weeks)

Module Name
Most Likely

Pretty soon Rakesh realises that he will need a bigger team to completethe project on time. Rakesh raises this human resource requirement tohis head office in India. Head office suggests Rakesh that he needs towork with human resources from the local country. Head office approveshim to go ahead with hiring in the local country.
Based on the above data/information, do the following:
1. Calculate the weighted average development time for each module
2. Standard deviation for each module
3. Calculate the standard deviation for the complete project and theestimated time frame for completion?
4. Assuming Rakesh has to finish this project 20 weeks. What is the teamstrength he would need to do it?
5. What are the possible issues Rakesh may face while hiring HumanResources from the local country?

Case Study 3

Stefan has been working on a computer simulation project to forecastabout the cyclones and storms. This project also involves understandingthe impacts of these natural calamities and predicting the estimateddamage to human lives and property. This project is sponsored jointly by10 governments across the world.Stefan is the project manager with a team of 20 people and their profilesare listed below.

Number of People
Programming the modulesbased on the designssupplied by the teamleaders.
Team leaders
Team leaders design thesoftware modules and givethem to the programmersfor programming. Teamleaders are remotely basedin the geographicallocations which are cycloneand storm prone. They workclosely with the subjectmatter experts who providethe technical details aboutnatural calamities. Teamleaders travel tocyclone/storm hit areas andassist the subject matterexperts.
Subject Matter Experts
Subject Matter Experts arepeople with specializedknowledge and skills relatedto storms and cyclones.These people keep ontravelling to various locations for studies andprovide the developmentteam with necessary dataand details.
Graphical Designers
These people design theGraphical User Interface forthe software modulesdeveloped by theprogrammers.
Accountant keeps track ofthe project budgeting, costsand expenditures.

While the programmers are co-located in a relatively safe environment, the teamleaders and the subject matter experts travel in a hostile environment.

Based on the scenario described above, perform the following:

1. Based on assumptions, identify minimum of five important risks involved inthe project
2. Perform a qualitative risk analysis based on the answer for Q. 1 above
3. Perform a quantitative risk analysis based on Q.1 and Q. 2 above. Assumenumerical value ranges for probability and impact (Exposure) of risks
4. Prepare a sample risk register for such a project
5. List out three positive risks in such a project


New Boston School is a reputed school in the city and has been inexistence since last 75 years. With IT affecting all domains of life, theschool has identified the need of a web based school portal to connect theschool, students and parents/guardians. This will help the school maintaina transparency between its staff, students and parents. The business casehas been drafted and approved. D-Smart Infotech, a local softwaredevelopment firm, has been awarded this project and Lillie has beenidentified as the project manager for this project from D-Smart Infotech.Lillie has completed the feasibility study for this project and D-SmartInfotech has decided to go ahead with the project.
The project deadline is very crucial and ends after one year of awardingthe project. Since D-Smart Infotech is running short of human resources,it plans to outsource this project again to a third party vendor. Since Lilliehas been assigned as the project manager, she has to identify, select andnegotiate a vendor for this assignment. The school has awarded thisproject to D-Smart Infotech on the firm condition that the project shouldbe completed within a year.

Based on the above scenario, answer the following:
1. Should a third party vendor be selected to do this software project? Ifyes, then what are the legal formalities D-Smart Infotech need tocomplete with New Boston School and the selected vendor?
2. What are the high level risks associated in such a project?

PART B (80 Marks) (Any four)

1. You have been appointed a Project manager for a major software products company. Your job is to manage the development of the next generation version of its widely used word-processing software. Because new revenue must be generated, tight deadlines have been established and announced. What team structure would you choose and why? What software process model(s) would you choose and why?
2. You have been asked to develop a small application that analyzes each course offered by a university and reports the average grade obtained in thecourse (for a given term). White a statement of scope that bounds thisproblem.
3. Use the COCOMO II Model I to estimate the effort required to buildsoftware for a simple ATM that produces 12 screens, 10 reports, and willrequire approximately 80 software components, Assume average complexity and average developer/environment maturity. Use the application composition model with object points.
4. Develop a spreadsheet model that implements one or two of the estimation techniques described in this chapter. Alternatively, a acquire one or more on-line models for software project estimation from web-based sources.
5. A system has 12 external inputs, 24 external outputs, fields 30 different external queries, manages 4 internal logical files, and interfaces with 6 different legacy systems (6 EIFs). All of these data are of average complexity, and the overall system is relatively simple. Compute FP for the system.
6. Give at least three examples in which black-box testing might give the impression that everything’s OK, while white vox tests might uncover an error. Give at least three examples in which white-box testing might give the impression that “everything’s OK,” while black-box tests might uncover an error.
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