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Question. 1. What is
International human resource management? Explain nature ofinternational human
resource management.
Answer: As a result of
market globalisation it has become increasingly important to explore the
international issues related to management as organisations seek to achieve
sustainable competitive advantage through their human resource. The study of,
and subsequent practice in, International Human Resource Management focuses on
the need to be culturally sensitive in our management of people in a
cross-cultural multi-national environment.
The programme has been developed
for students who wish to, or already work within, a multi-cultural business.
For those who are new to the field of Human Resource Management, the programme
offers the opportunity to develop your knowledge and professional practice so
that you are equipped with the ‘tools and techniques’ necessary to embark on a
career in International Human Resource Management: for such students
Question. 2. Explain role of
multiculturalism in international human resource management.
Answer: The globalization
of business, increased mobility of labor across geographic borders is leading
to multiculturalism among several countries. For instance, in countries such as
Canada, US, UK, India, and Australia, multiculturalism is increasingly becoming
an integral part of the national identity. In addition, cross-border mergers
and acquisitions (eg. Arcelor-Mittal) and deployment of teams for certain
projects, require organizations to draw from a pool of human resources from
different countries.
The globalization of the business
environment that is being driven by technological and economic factors is
resulting in an ever-increasing number of cross-cultural interactions in the
workplace. Recent estimates indicate that there are over 1000,000 firms with
international operations, and they have annual revenues in excess of $3500
billion. Not surprisingly, the growth in the number of firms with international
operations has been
Question. 3. Explain
significance of HRM in cross-border mergers & acquisitions.
Answer:Mergers and
acquisitions (M&) are increasingly becoming a strategy of choice for
companies attempting to achieve and sustain competitive advantage. However, not
all M&As are a success. To analyze the effectiveness of HRM strategies as a
mechanism for achieving synergies, we incorporate the post-acquisition resource
flows and the need for structural integration into Aguilera and Dencker’s
(2004) framework that considers both national institutional environments and
the strategic fit between the acquisition rationale and the human resource
management (HRM) strategy. By taking into account the post-acquisition resource
flows, we can identify which acquisitions will require greater levels of
interdependence between the resources of the acquirer and the target.
Question. 5. What is staffing
of international business?
Answer:Human resource
management in international business presents issues that are different from
those in domestic or local business. The nature and characteristics of
international business are more complicated than domestic or local business. As
such, it is necessary to account for different types of human resource
management issues in international business. HR managers must also choose the
right staffing policy approach based on the needs of the organization. Effectively
addressing the various types of human resource management issues and deciding
on the most suitable staffing policy approach leads to success in HRM in
international business.
Staffing (or finding, choosing
and placing) good employees is difficult even at home. However, it becomes more
difficult in other countries. For
Question. 6. What is
international compensation management?
Answer: Designing and
developing a better compensation package for HR professionals for the
international assignments requires knowledge of taxation, employment laws, and
foreign currency fluctuation by the HR professionals. Moreover, the
socio-economic conditions of the country have to be taken into consideration
while developing a compensation package. It is easy to develop the compensation
package for the parent country national but difficult to manage the host and
third country nationals. When a firm develops international compensation
policies, it tries to fulfills some broad objectives:
The compensation policy should be in line with
the structure, business needs and overall strategy of the organization.
Question. 7. Write a detailed
note on ethics & social responsibility.
responsibility is an ethical theory, in which individuals are accountable for
fulfilling their civic duty; the actions of an individual must benefit the
whole of society. In this way, there must be a balance between economic growth
and the welfare of society and the environment. If this equilibrium is
maintained, then social responsibility is accomplished.
The theory of social
responsibility is built on a system of ethics, in which decisions and actions
must be ethically validated before proceeding. If the action or decision causes
harm to society or the environment then it would be considered to be socially
Moral values that are inherent in
society create a
Question. 8. What is
performance management?
management is a process by which managers and employees work together to plan,
monitor and review an employee’s work objectives and overall contribution to
the organization. More than just an annual performance review, performance management
is the continuous process of setting objectives, assessing progress and
providing on-going coaching and feedback to ensure that employees are meeting
their objectives and career goals.
An effective performance
management system will:
Be job specific, covering a broad range of jobs
in the organization
Align with your organization’s strategic
direction and culture
Be practical and easy to understand and use
Provide an accurate picture of each
Question. 9. Write down the
importance of training & development.
Answer:Training presents a
prime opportunity to expand the knowledge base of all employees, but many
employers find the development opportunities expensive. Employees also miss out
on work time while attending training sessions, which may delay the completion
of projects. Despite the potential drawbacks, training and development provides
both the company as a whole and the individual employees with benefits that
make the cost and time a worthwhile investment.
Addressing Weaknesses: Most
employees have some weaknesses in their workplace skills. A training program
allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. A
development program brings all employees to a higher level so they all have
similar skills and knowledge. This helps reduce any weak links
Question. 10. Write a detailed
note on international industrial relations.
relations is a multidisciplinary field that studies the employment
relationship. Industrial relations is increasingly being called employment
relations or employee relations because of the importance of non-industrial
employment relationships; this move is sometimes seen as further broadening of
the human resource management trend. Indeed, some authors now define human
resource management as synonymous with employee relations. Other authors see
employee relations as dealing only with non-unionized workers, whereas labor
relations is seen as dealing with unionized workers. Industrial relations
studies examine
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