FOUNDATION’S Maharashtra Govt. Reg.
No.: F-11724

Marks: 80
N. B.: 1)Attempt any Four Cases
2)All questions carries equal marks.
Q. 1) Import Export Business is enjoying
various facilities. Give in brief information about it.
The principal advantage of indirect marketing
for a smaller company is that it provides a way to penetrate foreign markets
without the complexities and risks of direct exporting. Several kinds of
intermediary firms provide a range of export services. Each type of firm offers
distinct advantages
Q. 2) What is the role of Reserve Bank of
India in exchange control? Write with special reference toImport – Export.
Answer:International trade involves
movement of goods and matching payment settlements in various currencies.
Export results in depletion of the wealth of a nation and imports create demand
for currencies of other currencies. In our country, the demand for foreign
exchange exceeds the supply and hence the foreign exchange is considered a
scare commodity. To preserve foreign exchange, Reserve Bank of India
administers exchange control through various Authorised Dealers.
Q. 3) What do you know about Exim Bank? How
it is encouraging import-export trade?
Answer:Export-Import Bank of India is the premier export finance institution in
India, established in 1982 under the Export-Import Bank of India Act 1981.
Since its inception, Exim Bank of India has been both a catalyst and a key
player in the promotion of cross border trade and investment. Commencing
operations as a purveyor of export credit, like other Export Credit Agencies in
the world, Exim Bank of India has, over the period, evolved into an institution
that plays a major role in partnering Indian industries, particularly the Small
and Medium Enterprises, in their globalisation efforts, through a wide range of
products and services offered at all stages of the business cycle, starting
from import of technology and export product development to export production,
Q. 4) Human Resources with technical
support has changed the Banking scenario. Give yourcomments.
Answer:The primary apprehension of the bank should be to bring in proper
integration of human resource management strategies with the business
strategies. It should faster cohesive
team work and create commitment to improve the efficiency of its human
capital. More than operational skills
today are banking call for these ‘soft skills' to attend the needs and
requirement of the customers at the counter.
Q. 5) Development of human resources is the
challenge before banking industry. Express your viewswith special reference to
Q. 6) Customer expectations are very high
in Banking Industry. Give your comments.
Q. 7) Pricing strategy is controlled by
external factors as well as RBI. Please define it.
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