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1 A
statistical survey is a scientific process of collection and analysis of
numerical data. Explain the stages of statistical survey. Describe the various
methods for collecting data in a statistical survey.
of statistical survey
A Statistical Survey is a scientific process of collection and analysis
ofnumerical data. Statistical surveys are used to collect information
aboutunits in a population and it involves asking questions to individuals.
Surveysof human populations are common in government, health, social science
and marketing sectors.
Stages of
Statistical Survey-
2 a)
Explain the approaches to define probability.
Answer:-There are four approaches to
define Probability. They are as follows:
1) Classical / mathematical / priori approach
2) Statistical / relative frequency / empirical / posteriori approach
3) Subjective approach
iii) Axiom of addition, where A1,A2,...An aresequence of disjoint events
of the sample space.
b) In a
bolt factory machines A, B, C manufacture 25, 35 and 40 percent of the total
output. Of their total output 5, 4 and 2 percent are defective respectively. A
bolt is drawn at random and is found to be defective. What are the
probabilities that it was manufactured by machines A, B and C?
Solution:-Let us consider the
Let ‘A1’ be the event that bolt factory machines
Let ‘A2’ be the event that bolt factory machines
Let ‘A3’ be the event that bolt factory
3 a) The
procedure of testing hypothesis requires a researcher to adopt several steps.
Describe in brief all such steps.
Answer:-There are five steps
involved in testing on hypothesis while are as follows:
a) Formulate a Hypothesis: The first step
is to set up two hypothesis instead of one in such a way that if one hypothesis
is true, the other is false. Alternatively; if one hypothesis is false or
rejected then the other is true or accepted.
b) A sample
of 400 items is taken from a normal population whose mean as well as variance
is 4. If the sample mean is 4.5, can the sample be regarded as a truly random
Step 1 = H0: u=4, H1: u

2: =
z= 4.5-4/ standard deviation | square Root of n
= 4.5-4|2/20=5
4 a) What
is a Chi-square test? Point out its applications. Under what conditions is this
test applicable?
Answer:-The Chi-square test is one
of the most commonly used non-parametric testsin statistical work. The Greek
Letter X2 is used to denote this test. X2describe the magnitude of discrepancy
between the observed and theexpected frequencies. The
b) What
are the components of time series? Enumerate the methods of determining trend
in time series.
Answer:-The behaviour of a time
series over periods of time is called the movementof the time series. The time
series is classified into the following fourcomponents:
i) Long term trend or secular trend
ii) Seasonal variations
iii) Cyclic variations
5 What do
you mean by cost of living index? Discuss the methods of construction of cost
of living index with an example for each.
of cost of living index
The ‘Cost of living index’, also known as ‘consumer price index’ or ‘Cost
ofliving price index’ is the country’s principal measure of price change.
TheConsumer price index helps us in determining the effect of rise and fall
inprices on different classes of consumers living in different areas.
Methods of
constructing cost of living index with an
6 a) What
is analysis of variance? What are the assumptions of this technique?
Answer:-Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is useful in such situations as
comparing themileage achieved by five different brands of gasoline, testing
which of fourdifferent training methods produce the
fastest learning record, or comparingthe first-year earnings of the graduates
of half a dozen different businessschools. In each of these cases, we would
compare the means of more thantwo samples. Hence, in most of the fields, such
as agriculture,
b) Three
samples below have been obtained from normal populations with equal variances.
Test the hypothesis at 5% level that the population means are equal.
[The table
value of F at 5% level of significance for V1 = 2 and V2 = 12 is 3.88]
Solution: - let
Ho: there is no significant different in the means of three samples
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