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MBADS – (SEM 3/SEM 5) / MBAN2 / MBAFLEX – (SEM 3) /

B 1722

Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

Q1 “Marketers manage product positioning by focusing their marketing activities on a positioning strategy”. Explain
Answer :

Q2. Explain motivational conflict and its principles.
Answer : Motivation in the workplace looks at "why." Why does one employee thrive in a particular task while another stumbles? Why does Candidate A go all out to earn a position while Candidate B shows no interest? The employee's motivation guides his decisions and actions. The employee suffers from motivational conflict when the desire to act conflicts with some other emotion or motivation.

Q3 Explain Absolute threshold and Differential Threshold with the help of an example each.
Answer : The term absolute threshold is often used in neuroscience and experimental research. An absolute threshold is the smallest detectable level of a stimulus. For example, in an experiment on sound detention, researchers may present a

Q4 Explain with one example each, the factors that inhibit relationship between beliefs, feelings and behaviour.
Answer : In psychology, the theory of planned behaviour is a theory about the link between beliefs and behaviour. The concept was proposed by Icek Ajzen to improve on the predictive power of the theory of reasoned action by including

Q5 “Cultural Values are enduring beliefs that a given behaviour or outcome is desirable or good”. Explain
Answer : Organisational Behaviour is increasingly important due to globalisation, information technology, demands for stricter ethical standards and other trends that are changing the fundamental of the organisation. Five trends of organisation behaviour that are being identified are globalisation, the changing workforce, evolving employment relationship, virtual work, and workplace values and ethics. In this essay, we will be looking at workplace values and ethics.

According to McShane and Travaglione,values

Q6 Write short notes on:
a) The Adoption Process
Answer : The adoption process, that is the mechanism and the duration of the time spell by means of which innovations are being introduced and used by all perspective users, has been studied in great detail and the notion of diffusion has been eventually introduced. The economics of diffusion addresses relevant questions about the characteristics and the determinants, and the effects of the adoption process. The most controversial issue why

b) Post-Purchase Behaviour of a consumer
Answer : Post-purchase behaviour is when the customer assesses whether he is satisfied or dissatisfied with a purchase.

Post-purchase behaviour is the final stage in the consumer decision process when the customer assesses whether he is satisfied or dissatisfied

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