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of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
– Compensation Benefits
ID: B1336)
Note: Assignment (60 marks) must be
written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10
marks questions should not exceed 400 words.
Q1. Discuss
the elements of compensation package.
: Elements of compensation package : When most of us hear the term “compensation”, we typically
only think of the money we receive in our paycheck each payday. However, “Total
Compensation” goes beyond salary, it is the complete pay package for
employees.. Total compensation can be defined as all of the resources available
to employees, which are used by the employer to attract, motivate and retain
employees. Elements of compensation package are :
1. Base salary
2. Bonus
3. Benefits and insurances
4. Employee perks
Q2. Describe
the importance of employee satisfaction. Explain the link between employee
satisfaction and compensation.
: Employee satisfaction :
Employee satisfaction or job
satisfaction is, quite simply, how content or satisfied employees are with
their jobs. Employee satisfaction is typically measured using an employee
satisfaction survey. These surveys address topics such as compensation,
workload, perceptions of management, flexibility, teamwork, resources, etc.
These things are all important to
Q3. What
is pay structure? Explain why it is necessary to develop a proper pay
structure. Mention the factors to be determined and steps for developing pay
: Pay structure : A
pay structure is a collection of pay rates or pay ranges. Structure setting and
adjustment is the process of developing, adjusting, and maintaining a pay
structure. Salary
structures are a necessary part of effective management. They help make sure
that the pay levels are externally competitive and internally fair.
for developing a proper pay structure :
Salary structures are a necessary part
of effective management. They help make sure that the pay levels are externally
competitive and internally fair. Salary structures also allow companies to
reward performance and development while controlling cost. Well-designed salary
structures will attract highly skilled people to your company and keep them
motivated within the
Q4. Explain
the components of wages. Explain employee participation in wage fixation.
: Components of wages :
Minimum wages need to be fixed in
sweated industries & fair wage agreements need to be promoted in the more
organized industries. Equal pay should be ensured for equal work. Wage
differentials should be provided.
Remuneration should be linked to
1. Fixing of minimum wages
2.Minimum rate of wages
3. Working hours and overtime
4. Employer's obligation
Q5. Describe
Cost-to-Company and list its components.
: Cost to company :
Simply speaking, CTC is the amount that
you cost your company. That is, it is the amount that the company spends –
directly or indirectly – because of employing an employee. Thus, it is the
money given to employee (in-hand component), plus the money spent because of
employee. Cost to Company or CTC is the salary package of an employee. It
indicates the total amount of expense an employer (organization) is spending
for an employee in a year. CTC is not the actual salary of an employee, it also
includes all the facilities an employee is getting during the service period.
Q6. What
is meant by strategy? Write a brief note on Strategic compensation planning.
: Strategy :
Strategy is a high level plan to
achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty. Strategy is
important because the resources available to achieve these goals are usually
limited. Strategy is also about attaining and maintaining a position of
advantage over adversaries through the successive exploitation of known or
emergent possibilities rather than committing to any specific fixed plan
designed at the outset.
Henry Mint berg from McGill University
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